“Bettina is directly responsible for the looting of municipal warehouses” – Nuevo Diario de Salta | The little diary

“Bettina is directly responsible for the looting of municipal warehouses” – Nuevo Diario de Salta | The little diary
“Bettina is directly responsible for the looting of municipal warehouses” – Nuevo Diario de Salta | The little diary

The fact that Justice is investigating in relation to the looting carried out at the municipal warehouses days before the inauguration of the current mayor, Emiliano Durand, generates diverse opinions in Salta society, surprised by this fact.

Thus, in December 2023, the existence of empty municipal warehouses, once full of merchandise that was destined for social assistance to the most vulnerable people in the capital of Salta, was contextualized. The official response came from the former senior official Aroldo Tonini who responded that they were “proudly empty” by saying: “The warehouses are empty because the management always worked on the social containment of large vulnerable sectors of the city of Salta. Proudly empty, because the function of management was to deliver and contain with social elements to very vulnerable sectors that demand containment. What is it to be empty? They were always purchases of social elements that have been systematically delivered as a work plan for Bettina Romero’s management. There is impeccable management.”

In this context, the former councilor Laura Garcia He was encouraged to comment on this issue and did so through InformateSalta where he noted that “these non-transparent acts are a continuity of practices observed during the previous administration.”

The former councilor stressed that these findings are just the tip of the iceberg and that measures must be taken to ensure that similar situations do not occur again in the future. “It’s embarrassing, but I’m not surprised,” she said.

In addition, he urged that the management of the officials involved, including the former mayor, be thoroughly investigated. Bettina Romero. “She has to be held accountable because she was the highest authority,” she said.

According to García, the former accused official, Luis Emilio Fayon, “he must not have done anything without her (Bettina Romero) knowing. “She is directly responsible. “What was found is nothing compared to what Bettina Romero’s management took away,” she said.

García expressed concern about the lack of accountability and alleged corruption surrounding the previous administration. “I hope and I am happy that justice is acting,” he commented.

Lastly, he emphasized the need for a thorough audit to examine all actions taken during Romero’s term, including questionable contracts and the handling of public funds. “A proper audit must be carried out on Bettina Romero’s entire management. They have to be held accountable, she and the officials who were also in charge of each area.”

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