Who will make up the SLP Capital City Council for the period 2024-2027? – The Sun of San Luis

Who will make up the SLP Capital City Council for the period 2024-2027? – The Sun of San Luis
Who will make up the SLP Capital City Council for the period 2024-2027? – The Sun of San Luis

The coalition Strength and Heart for San Luis will have a majority in the Council of the municipality of San Luis Potosí, with twelve of the 18 positions, headed by the elected municipal president, Enrique Francisco Galindo Ceballos.

Additionally, Fuerza y ​​Corazón por San Luis has the Relative Majority Councilor, Laura Julieta Abud Sarquís –his substitute is Rosa Bechara Arriola-, and the municipal trustees Victor Hugo Salgado Delgadillo and Ma. del Rosario Vita Hervertwhose substitutes are Sergio Martínez Sánchez and Martha Irene Morales, respectively.

He National Action Party It will have five councilors of proportional representation, with Alejandro Fernández Hernández repeating the position with his substitute Juan Isidro Faz García; also María Eugenia Castro Anguiano with the substitution of Karla Genesis Olguín; and Rodolfo Edgardo Jasso Puente with his substitute Juan Carlos Rodríguez Vázquez; as well as Maritza Jenith Vázquez, current head of the Comprehensive Animal Welfare Center; and Rubén Omar Lárraga Benavente.

In addition, there will be two councilors of proportional representation of the Institutional Revolutionary Party, Eikoo Koasicha Hipólito –his substitute is Martín Vaca Huerta- and Irene Margarita Hernández Prosecutor; in addition to one that represents the Democratic Revolution PartyAlejandra Hermosillo, whose replacement is Cyntia Berenice Macías Martínez.

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The Capital Council will also be made up of three councilors from the Green Environmental Party of Mexico: Luz Magdalena Cisneros Jiménez, lawyer of the Conciliation and Arbitration Board; Gustavo Jesús Mercado Garay, who also repeats his position; and Diana Ivon Escobedo Alonso.

for the party Brunetteare the former PRI deputy Limbania Martel Espinosa and Francisco Javier Pedraza Blanco, state coordinator of the group “Let Democracy Follow.”

Of Citizen movement, goes Pablo Zendejas Foyo, former private secretary of the former municipal president Xavier Nava; the match New Alliancecurrently represented in the capital City Council by the former candidate for mayor Ángeles Hermosillo, did not achieve representation for the 2024-2027 triennium.

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