FANB destroys 50 structures used for illegal mining in Amazonas

FANB destroys 50 structures used for illegal mining in Amazonas
FANB destroys 50 structures used for illegal mining in Amazonas

June 11, 2024 – 8:13 pm

EFE | Reference Photo

Members of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) destroyed 50 structures used for illegal mining in the states of Amazonas and Bolívar, both in the south and on the border with Brazil and Colombia, as reported this Tuesday by the strategic operational commander of the military body, Domingo Hernández. Larez.

Through a publication in linked to illegal mining.

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Likewise, he continued, 630 liters of diesel, 140 liters of gasoline, 400 kilograms of food and drinks, as well as tools such as machetes, shovels, hammers, among others, were seized.

In the state of Amazonas, Hernández Lárez indicated, he said that a structure for illegal mining was destroyed and that, in addition, a motor pump, an electrical plant, two plastic containers with 60 liters of fuel, as well as “logistical utensils” were seized.

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