Cases of respiratory diseases are growing in San Juan: there are 14 hospitalized patients, including five minors

Cases of respiratory diseases are growing in San Juan: there are 14 hospitalized patients, including five minors
Cases of respiratory diseases are growing in San Juan: there are 14 hospitalized patients, including five minors

With the cold, respiratory diseases were accentuated and San Juan is no exception. Both in the province and in the country, professionals keep their guard up to continue with the prevention and adequate treatment of diseases. In this sense, the head of Epidemiology of San Juan, Liliana Bertoni, confirmed on Radio Sarmiento that “we have an increase, but it is not a predominant circulation.”

Likewise, he highlighted that “children and older adults are the most affected” by respiratory diseases such as Influenza A, Covid and bronchiolitis. “We have the same number of hospitalizations for Influenza as for Covid, there is cocirculation of viruses,” he highlighted.

In detail, he said that there are a total of 14 people hospitalized; 6 with Influenza, 6 with Covid and 2 with bronchiolitis. “Of the total, three children under 10 years of age with Influenza and two children under two years of age with bronchiolitis while the rest are older adults,” she indicated.

Finally, he highlighted the importance of using the mask in closed places, such as in the case of medical guards, and maintained that “it is difficult to predict when it will reach its peak, no less than four more weeks, if the cold persists.”

Symptoms of Influenza A:

  • high fever (38º or more)
  • headache
  • decay
  • cough
  • sore throat
  • nasal congestion
  • Muscle pain
  • general malaise


  1. Avoid close contact.
    Avoid close contact with people who are sick. If you are sick, keep your distance from other people to prevent them from getting sick too. Maintaining physical distance from others can help reduce the risk of spreading a respiratory virus.
  2. Stay home if you are sick.
    If possible, if you are sick, stay home from work or school, and avoid running errands. You can resume your usual activities when, for at least 24 hours
  3. Cover your nose and mouth.
    Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing. This way you can prevent those around you from getting sick. Influenza viruses are thought to spread primarily through respiratory droplets that people produce when coughing, sneezing, or talking. Wearing a mask is an additional prevention strategy you can choose to protect yourself and others. When worn by an infected person, masks reduce the spread of the virus to other people. Masks can also protect wearers by preventing them from breathing in infectious particles from people around them.
  4. Wash your hands.
    Washing your hands frequently will help protect you from germs. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand cleanser.
    • Handwashing: clean hands save lives
      Tips on handwashing and using alcohol-based hand sanitizers
  5. Avoid touch your eyes, nose or mouth.
    Germs can be spread when a person touches something contaminated with germs and then touches their eyes, nose, or mouth.
  6. Take steps to improve air quality.
    You can improve air quality by letting in fresh outside air, purifying indoor air, or holding outdoor gatherings. Cleaner air can reduce the risk of exposure to viruses.
  7. Practice good hygiene and other healthy habits.
    Regularly cleaning frequently touched surfaces, such as countertops, railings, and door handles, can prevent the spread of some diseases.


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