Third day of takeover at the Uagrm: the protest extends to the university campus

Third day of takeover at the Uagrm: the protest extends to the university campus
Third day of takeover at the Uagrm: the protest extends to the university campus

The students of the Gabriel René Moreno Autonomous University (Uagrm) intensified their protests this Wednesday and took not only the university modules, but also the central campus, demanding the dismissal of the dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Alejandro Velarde.

The seizure, which began on Monday in the modules, extended to the campus facilities, where the university’s administrative offices are located, including the Rector’s Office and Vice-Rector’s Office. The students They keep the access doors to both properties closed as a pressure measure.

The protests originated after the spread of audios in which Dean Velarde is supposedly heard making inappropriate and discriminatory comments against women and university authorities.

Despite the answers offered by the authorities, the students consider that these are not convincing and demand immediate dismissal by Velarde.

Process in progress

In parallel to the protests, the rector of the Uagrm, Vicente Cuéllar, who is also mentioned in the questioned audios, filed a complaint in the University Justice Court (TJU) against Velarde.

Juan Carlos Saavedra, representative of the TJU, explained that the complaint You must follow a process to be admitted, which could take between two and three months.

“It is up to the court drawn to admit the complaint, verify whether the requirements are met and then decide whether precautionary measures are taken or not,” Saavedra said in a television interview.

If the complaint is admitted, Velarde will have five days to present his defense.

Suspended classes

The students participating in the takeover demand Velarde’s immediate resignation and assure that they will continue with the protests until their demand is met.

Meanwhile, face-to-face classes in classrooms have been suspended from the beginning of the shot. However, some teachers have chosen to teach their classes at the entrance doors to the university campuses.

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