San Juan will finance dining rooms and picnic areas of social organizations

San Juan will finance dining rooms and picnic areas of social organizations
San Juan will finance dining rooms and picnic areas of social organizations

After learning that San Juan will be the first province to receive funds from the Nation for school cafeterias and picnic areas, and while waiting for their arrival, the provincial government announced that it will absorb the costs of financing this type of feeding centers that are managed by Social Organizations.

The novelty was confirmed by the Minister of Family and Human Development, Carlos Platero, who stated: “we are going to implement our program in the picnic areas and dining rooms run by neighborhood associations, groups and unions. By decision of Governor Orrego, we will absorb it with our own funds.”

Regarding the agreement reached with the Nation, Platero asserted that this social aid will be exclusively destined to provide school cafeterias and fortified breakfasts in the schools of the province. In turn, he clarified that there is currently a bidding process through which they seek to purchase the necessary food rations to supply the establishments and, in this sense, he confirmed that the Ministry of Human Capital is aware of this operation to be able to make the sufficient contributions.

On the other hand, when asked about the controversial withholding of food carried out by the Milei Government, the official explained that this situation does not exist in San Juan, and maintained that the province is waiting to receive 8,000 kilos of powdered milk that They will be distributed by the Cooperator for Child Nutrition (Conin).


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