In Huila, cases of gender violence among women and diverse population increased

In Huila, cases of gender violence among women and diverse population increased
In Huila, cases of gender violence among women and diverse population increased


During the festivities of San Juan and San Pedro, the Government of Huila launched the strategy “Huila Grande dances Sanjuanero, without fear or gender-based violence” as an initiative that affirms the commitment, security, well-being and respect for each of the inhabitants of the department.

However, the Directorate of Security and Coexistence showed an increase in cases of gender-based violence, due to excessive alcohol consumption and crowding of people, which increases the vulnerability of these groups. The strategy aims to raise awareness in the community and promote a safe and respectful festive environment.

The Social Manager of the department Ángela Parra, within the framework of the launch, commented that “it is our responsibility to ensure that this celebration takes place in a safe environment free of gender-based violence.”

This is how the Festival of San Juan and San Pedro is a significant cultural manifestation that represents the identity and traditions of the Huilense people, attracting thousands of visitors who enjoy the culture and hospitality.

This initiative is aimed at preventing violence in any of its forms, especially during festivities where events may occur that threaten the dignity of women and sexually diverse people in the 37 municipalities of Huila. The departmental Assembly and the department’s security and coexistence directorate joined the strategy.


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