They want San Juan schools to teach about the importance of donating blood

They want San Juan schools to teach about the importance of donating blood
They want San Juan schools to teach about the importance of donating blood

The “Legado de Amor” association together with the Provincial Institute of Hemotherapy (Iphem) worked on an educational project that they presented to the Chamber of Deputies of San Juan, where it is currently in the process of analysis. This project seeks to add the importance of donating blood to the study program in primary schools, so that when they turn 18, they can say if they want to be donors.

Juan Héctor Cortéz, member of the association, spoke with HUARPE DIARY and commented on the project that is already being analyzed, although without specifying when it could be discussed on the premises. In this sense, he explained that through a “little story” they will be able to explain to the little ones the value of being blood donors. In addition, they plan to incorporate other documents for greater understanding. The idea is to implement it in primary level students, especially in 5th and 6th grade, although he clarified that, “this is a floor because we want to take it to secondary level and university level, where we want to transmit the importance of this solidarity action that saves lives ”.

“Our goal is to add it to the curriculum of the study program, because then it would not end up in school since the child would transmit it to his family circle. In addition, we seek to prepare children so that when they come of age they can have the awareness of donating blood,” he stated.

Through a story and other documents they will be able to teach the importance of donating blood.

Cortéz expressed that in San Juan there is a lot of ignorance regarding blood donation and that is why they end up deciding not to do it. For this reason, within the content of the storybook, students will be able to learn basic questions such as: Why do you have to donate blood? Who are the donors? Who can donate blood? How do you donate blood? ? How many times can I donate blood in a year? and what is done with my blood?

“To carry out the various collections that we do from the association, including that of Iphem, we must first do a talk to inform and break myths that are already established in society,” explained Cortéz.

Iphem Statistics

Another essential piece for the creation of the project is the Provincial Institute of Hemotherapy (Iphem). The director of the establishment, Rosario Roca, revealed to this medium that there are not many people from San Juan who are voluntary blood donors. “Today we have a high number of replacements, in total, 84% of donors come just because someone asked them to, on the other hand, 16% are volunteers,” she said.

“We want to change the culture of San Juan and instill the importance of voluntary donation, that instead of going to donate when they ask me, go when I have the time because there is always a need. We look at the Garrahan Hospital as our objective, which has 100% voluntary donors,” said Roca.

In this sense, Roca explained that voluntary donors are safer due to the availability they have, “the donor comes when called, when necessary or when he can, but they are regular donors. “They have no personal interest, but simply come to donate to whoever needs it.”

Requirements to be a blood donor

  • You can donate from age 18 to age 65.
  • The donor should not have symptoms of sore throat, diarrhea, toothache or fever, or be under treatment for infections in recent weeks.
  • Weigh more than 50 kilograms.
  • No history of viral hepatitis or cardiac disorders.
  • Not suffer or have suffered from any communicable blood disease.
  • The donor must attend with his or her identification document (non-exclusive).
  • You can drink coffee, tea, mate with sugar or fruit juice, without milk.
  • Have slept well the night before, do not smoke two hours before the extraction, or drink alcohol for 12 hours afterwards.
  • Do not go to donate if you have a cold, fever or allergy.


To sign up to donate blood, you can do it online on the Iphem page:

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