the anger, the lawsuit that was not and the changes in

In the biography of Elon Muskwritten by American journalist Walter Isaacson, details the Traumatic childhood, particular relationships and risk addiction that the South African billionaire has. It turned out to be one of the best-selling books in China and the United States. This imprint could explain the particular week that the businessman went through, which was once again at the center of controversy. In fact, the magnate’s last days could be summarized in three specific actions.

First of all, He attacked the news presented by Apple. The fury was so great that the billionaire threatened to ban the iPhone in his companies. In second place, abandoned – without offering explanations – a lawsuit against OpenAI, whom he had accused of breaking the commitment to generate AI for the benefit of society when it was supported by Microsoft. Finally The social network X, which it owns, made the “Likes” private and with that there were multiple reactions.

Elon Musk and anger with Apple

Let’s start at the beginning. On Monday, the founder of Tesla and SpaceX criticized the partnership between Apple and OpenAI. The anger was such that the businessman warned that – due to the threat to data security – he will prohibit the use of the iPhone in his companies.

“Apple has no idea what will really happen once it gives your data to OpenAI. “They are betraying you,” Musk shot in X. The agreement between Apple and the creators of ChatGPT led to the presentation of Apple Intelligence, a system to optimize the use of devices through artificial intelligence. “We are happy to collaborate with Apple to integrate ChatGPT into their devices. I think you will like it,” OpenAI CEO Sam Altman had written. That ended up infuriating the South African. Apple Intelligence will appear in the new version of the iOS 18 operating system.

For Elon Musk It is “absurd” that Apple, a company with the capacity for innovation, did not advance in its own AI and regretted that it chose to partner with OpenAI. Hence his anger.

Elon Musk and the lawsuit that was not

Some time later, it was learned that Elon Musk dropped his lawsuit against OpenAI and its CEO Sam Altman. He had denounced them for fail to fulfill its founding mission, by putting economic benefit above of the benefit to humanity.

One of the businessman’s lawyers presented a document to conclude the legal actions initiated before a San Francisco court. Musk accused the AI ​​company – which he helped create in 2015 – of breaking the commitment of generating AI for the benefit of society when it became a for-profit company backed by Microsoft.

The document presented to the Court asked to dismiss the case, without offering any reason for the decision. A no small fact is that Musk left OpenAI in 2018, he currently considers the firm as a subsidiary of Microsoft and since he left the company he has warned that artificial intelligence could bring forward the end of humanity.

Elon Musk and little moderation

As if that were not enough, the social network X by Elon Musk announced in the last few hours that he decided to make the “Likes” private of the users. Although the official explanation responds to protecting privacy and increasing interactions, the measure was not without controversy. For example, since Elon Musk bought the social network in 2022 content moderation was reduced on the platform.

Thus, with the change the amount of MG continues to be seen who received a publication but not which users they come from. TThe tab that showed the history of likes given by the user was also deleted within each profile.

“We are converting the “Like”’ in private for everyone, to better protect your privacy“, the platform argued to users. “Liking more posts will improve the content of the ‘For You’ tab,” she added.

“It is important that people can express that you like posts without receiving attacks for it!”, Musk assured in turn. In another post, the mogul said there was a “huge increase” in likes on X since they went private.

For the more than 600-page book, Isaacson interviewed friends, associates, family and even Musk himself. According to the author, The tycoon suffered episodes of bullying as a child and had a stormy relationship with their parents.

“It has always been a crazy genius, but he was 95% genius and 5% crazy. The problem is that now the ratio is inverting,” he stated. the author of the book about Elon Musk. Some of that was reflected in the tycoon’s hectic last week.

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