The Malvinas memorial in Bariloche, a public work that does not slow down and was saved from the crisis

It is not a hospital, a health center or a school. Yes there are A provincial public work that advances with strict adherence to the schedule, without any setbacks and unrelated to any budgetary crisis is the Malvinas Memorial, that has already begun to change the landscape of the central waterfront, on the shores of Lake Nahuel Huapi.

The concrete structure stands out behind the construction fence and allows a glimpse the profile provided in the design, where the bow of a ship protrudes, which will be ornamented with a water fountain, in symbolic reference to the southern ocean.

The entire complex will also house on a lower floor, at the height of the lake beach, offices, public bathrooms and a small museum. While on the upper floor, on the same level as Rosas Avenue, there will be a public walk, like a dry plaza, with benches, artistic flooring, railings and posters paying tribute to ex-combatants and war veterans.

The work began in October 2023, is carried out by the company Alusa and has never stopped. The initial budget was 220 million pesos. The final figure will be much higher, but it is not easy to obtain precision because there are constants “redeterminations” adjusted to the table that the province applies in those cases, to avoid complaints from the contractors and that allowed the pace of work to be maintained.

At times of greatest activity, the project required the presence of 30 workers and currently has 20 workers assigned.

The Public Works delegate for the Andean zone, Diego Iraolasaid that there were imponderables due to climatic reasons but deadlines are generally met. The payment of certifications went smoothly and the memorial would be ready for delivery. premiere before the end of the year.

He pointed out that in addition to the rain, they were conditioned in the first stage by the appearance of water runoff superficial, they demanded Additional works. “It is something that had not appeared in the soil studies and some drainage and diversion of liquids had to be done, but that’s it. Today the work is 45% complete.“, he claimed.

Iraola acknowledged that The same does not happen with other provincial public works destined for Bariloche. The new bus terminal was paralyzed and the expansion of the local hospital noticeably slowed down the pace of execution. for economic and financial reasons. The Malvinas memorial was not affected because it is a smaller project. “In addition, we have the ex-combatants very attentive to the evolution, and interested in the contract being fulfilled and ready for this year,” said the official.

Changes forced by lack of gas

Iraola said that the refusalThe Camuzzi company to enable new gas connections due to the saturation of the system also affected public works. At the Malvinas MemorialDue to their size, they were able to redefine the project to dispense with natural gas and install heating and a hot water system with electric energy. For this purpose they processed and They obtained the granting of extra power at the CEB.

He warned that the same conditioning affects the zonal hospitalbut there -for functionality and also for size– conversion to electricity is impossible. For now, even if the new building is finished, it will remain unused, waiting for the compression works on the mountain gas pipeline.

Iraola acknowledged that this perspective is uncertain due to the paralysis of public works imposed by the national government.

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