Aguas Rionegarinas operators were trained in CPR

Aguas Rionegarinas operators were trained in CPR
Aguas Rionegarinas operators were trained in CPR

There were five ARSA operators who participated in the workshop. In this way, Alejandro De San Segundo, Rodrigo Castrillo, Hernán Tolosa and Lucas Noale, and Alfredo Ermantraud accessed the emergency procedure to save lives, which is carried out when someone stops breathing or the heart stops beating, and they were instructed in how to use the AED (automated external defibrillator).

On the occasion they also participated in a demonstration of how to act in an event of these characteristics. “This gives us the possibility of knowing what to do in case of extreme urgency and what behaviors to take in certain situations,” highlighted the head of service at Las Grutas, Alfredo Ermantraud, who at the same time thanked the delivery of certificates of assistance and approval.

The CPR course includes recognizing the conditions, the warning signs or symptoms, how to act in a situation in which the patient loses consciousness and how to use the AED.

The training was carried out outside of working hours. There were five hours of training and they agreed on the importance that this method of help is useful for any area, work, family, social, where a person has suffered some type of accident or is suffering from another situation that leads to the impossibility of breathing or that your heart stops beating.


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