The industrial exhibition fair begins in Cuba to achieve foreign investments

The industrial exhibition fair begins in Cuba to achieve foreign investments
The industrial exhibition fair begins in Cuba to achieve foreign investments

Havana, June 18 (EFE).- Cuba inaugurated this Tuesday the exhibition fair of the IV Cubaindustria international convention with an overwhelming majority of national company stands at the Pabexpo exhibition center in Havana.

The event, in which the Caribbean country – whose industrial sector is suffering a serious crisis – seeks to create associations with foreign companies, will be held until June 21, at the same time as the convention.

During the inauguration, in which the island president, Miguel Díaz-Canel, and the prime minister, Manuel Marrero, were present, the vice minister of the branch, Ernesto Cedeño, assured that the fair seeks to achieve “greater integration and international insertion, based of the development of the industry”.

Despite this, the national presence this Tuesday was the majority at the venue, with a handful of companies from countries such as Venezuela and China.

One of the foreign firms present at Pabexpo is the Chinese Haitech, with a product portfolio that includes the Caiman53 online store.

In an interview with EFE, ‘Nico’ Zheng Yfan, commercial manager of the company, assured that firms like his, which this year celebrates two decades on the island, want to offer Cuba “comprehensive solutions.”

“Our objective is to be an assistant to the Government and the Cuban people, to help them solve their problems. For example, we send components to Cuba to be assembled here,” he added.

According to its organizers, the fair will have 338 exhibitors, of which 49 are foreigners.

To date, the signing of 26 documents linked to investment, trade and industrial cooperation has been identified.

(c) EFE Agency

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