Propaganda company in Guantánamo, national vanguard (+ Photos) – Radio Guantánamo

The achievements achieved in the last stage of work of the Guantánamo Base Business Unit, Propaganda and Events, allowed them to deserve the National Vanguard Flag, the maximum encouragement that the Cuban Workers’ Central confers to the groups that stand out for their results in fulfilling their tasks efficiently.

In a ceremony chaired by the First Secretary of the Party in the province, Yoel Pérez García, the head of the union that brings together more than 70 thousand men and women in the cultural sector in the country, Katia María Rodríguez Ramos, was presented with the award they received. Esteban Iznaga Agüero, director of the Cuban Upper East group, protagonist in the dedication of work and greater performance of the National Company, challenging challenges and difficulties.

The occasion was also propitious for the delivery of the Raúl Gómez García Medal, martyr and emblematic figure of the cultural sphere, to five workers with a long and fruitful career, while Yaima Sánchez Romero was awarded a card that accredits her as a member of the Party. Communist of Cuba.

In summarizing the meeting, the leader of the communists on this side of the island Yoel Pérez García highlighted the meaning of said decoration for the entity’s collective, the party organization, the Party and for everything that is done today in ideological work, in the culture and communication of the easternmost province of Cuba.

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