Daer arrives and sets an anti-Milei roadmap

By Carolina Biedermann

As had been announced by members of the National Confederation of Labor (CGT), Córdoba Regional, today the union leader Héctor Daer arrives in the city to participate in the degree collation event at the Cruz del Sacrificio Institute. Although it may seem like an isolated event, every act is political and there will be a message.

Then, the small table will move to the union headquarters located on Lima Street. There it is expected that the leader will outline the strategy they will face to move forward in each of the possible scenarios, in the face of an almost imminent approval of the base law in deputies.

In recent days the CGT once again picked up the gauntlet and the discussion intensified again. After the march that the unions faced at the beginning of the year, in which the leader Abel Furlan came to Córdoba, the union front remained silent. The reasons presented by the regional were that, faced with a President who started the year with a high degree of uncertainty, they did not want to continue with forceful measures and be branded responsible, in the event of a possible fall of the Government. But seven months into his mandate, the self-repressed CGT comes out again.

The forceful measures to come are beginning to take shape. In the meantime there is work to do. The core unions became involved in the Congress thread and operate in deputies to gather the necessary votes so that the law does not pass, they emphasize from the local regional.

Córdoba, land of Agustín Tosco, Atilio López, Elpidio Torres and the University revolution, counterbalances the conservative and right-wing movement that found, by chance, in Javier Milei, the possibility of fighting Kirchnerist Peronism from the national heart.

Cohesion, lack of work and increased taxes are the thermometer with which workers measure the social climate. Less than a month ago, within the framework of the treatment of the base law, the Córdoba labor movement appealed to the senators to vote against the official project, but they did not succeed.

The unionized workers are specifically opposed to the increase in the floor to pay the personal property tax, which according to the government would ensure the success of money laundering, and the reestablishment of the fourth category of income tax. Both projects were rejected by the upper house and the Milei government will return for revenge of the fiscal package that includes them, with the return of the project to deputies.

El Panal watches from afar

Regarding the basic law, Martín Llaryora reconfigured the strategy and expressed his support for the law promoted by the national government.

The governor of Córdoba walks along a difficult ledge to navigate, between an electorate that still continues to support the President and his principles that lay the foundations for his identity.

Llaryora is not against unions, not just because he is a Justicialist. The Governor of Córdoba vindicates the union struggle, he even did so in his inauguration speech in the city of San Francisco. In addition, her father was a union member, and works with the Córdoba unions to strengthen the institutional relationship. She understands unions as a means of contact and formal negotiation between the State and workers. This explains many of the provincial actions regarding the right to strike and the bridges of dialogue between the Province and these institutions.

Despite the difficult times that these institutions are going through, the CGT in Córdoba remains divided. The union leader will visit the Córdoba Regional Office, which has national endorsement. Meanwhile, the CGT Córdoba also operates in the province, which brings together another group of unions with their own weight.

National anti-union definition

Javier Milei’s government arrived to combat the unions. Without messages between the lines, he pointed directly towards these organizations from the opening of the ordinary sessions, when he said that he would work to limit re-elections in the unions and that the mandates become four years, with a possibility of repeating, before organizations where Leaders remain in the same positions for years.

A specific action was to aim to disrupt what Milei called the black boxes, moving forward with the deregulation of the social work and prepaid system, removing from workers the obligation that their funds had to go through social work and then define the choice of a prepaid one.

So far in his mandate, the administration of the libertarian President has already faced two general strikes, in defense of labor rights, democracy and a living wage.

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