Today’s anniversaries: what happened on June 19 | Events that occurred in Argentina and the world

Today’s anniversaries: what happened on June 19 | Events that occurred in Argentina and the world
Today’s anniversaries: what happened on June 19 | Events that occurred in Argentina and the world

In the anniversaries of June 19 These events that occurred on a day like today in Argentina and the world stand out:

1884. Juan Bautista Alberdi dies

In Neuilly-sur-Seine, France, he died Juan Bautista Alberdi, the father of the National Constitution. Born in Tucumán, in 1810, he was part of the Generation of ’37 and an opponent of Juan Manuel de Rosas. He went into exile in Uruguay and then in France. Bases and starting points for the political organization of the Argentine Republic, from 1852, was the book that influenced the debate of the following year in Santa Fe, from which the Magna Carta emanated. He had a controversy with Domingo Faustino Sarmiento in Quillotan Letters. He would later publish, among other books, Economic and income system of the Argentine Confederation and The crime of warin which he condemned the military campaign of Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay against Paraguay.

1938. Italy, two-time world champion

Italy retains the world soccer title by beating Hungary 4-2 in the final of the championship held in France. So, revalidates the achievement obtained as a local in 1934. Before the decisive match, the squad receives a brief telegram from Benito Mussolini: “Win or die”. Later, and regarding that threat, Hungarian goalkeeper Antal Szabó declared: “I have never felt so happy in my life for having lost. With the four goals they scored against me, “I saved the lives of eleven human beings.”.

1944. Chico Buarque is born

Francisco Buarque de Hollanda was born in Rio de Janeiro. Singer, composer, guitarist, Chico Buarque is one of the central figures of Brazilian culture. A tribute to Tom Jobim, his career extends since the 60s. Among his vast discography, highlights My Dear Friendsthe live records with Caetano Veloso and María Betanha and their version of The Threepenny Operawhat is Malandro Opera. He has also ventured into literature, with novels such as Budapest. In 2019 he received the Camões Prize, the highest distinction in Portuguese literature.. Jair Bolsonaro delayed the delivery and finally the ceremony took place in 2023.

1953. The execution of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg are executed in the electric chair for espionage, in one of the most dramatic episodes of the Cold War. Both were communist militants. The case had begun when Sergeant David Greenglass admitted having passed information about the atomic bomb to the Soviets and pointed out his sister and brother-in-law: the Rosenbergs, as the instigators. The Espionage Act of 1917 provides for the death penalty, which for the first time is applied to civilians.

1965. The birth of the Pumas

On his tour of South Africa, The Argentine rugby team obtains a historic victory by defeating the Junior Springboks 11 to 6, the alternative team of that country. The victory obtained at Ellis Park in Johannesburg positions Argentine rugby in the world. The yagüareté on the Argentine Rugby Union shield is mistaken by South Africans for a puma. Thus, the name of the selected team was born, by which it has been known since then: the Pumas.

1969. Soledad Villamil is born

Actress and singer Soledad Villamil is born in La Plata. He has worked in cinema (a wall of silence, Life according to Muriel, same love, Same Rain, a red bear, The Secret in Their Eyes, The cracks of Jara), theater (Hamlet, Don Mendo’s revenge, her in my head) and television (Vulnerable, Guilty, Crazy in love). He has published four albums, with tango and folklore songs..

1993. William Golding dies

The English writer William Golding dies at the age of 81. His work includes The heirs, the scorpion god and The paper men, among other titles. However, his fame is due to a 1954 novel: Lord of the Flieswhich presents the survival of a group of schoolchildren on an abandoned island. He received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1983..

2014. Felipe VI comes to the throne of Spain

Replacement in the Spanish monarchy. Felipe VI is the new king. He is sworn in before the Cortes, days after the abdication of his father, Juan Carlos I, who leaves the throne shaken by scandals such as his accident in Africa, where he had secretly gone to hunt elephants in the midst of the crisis. economic; and the corruption case involving his son-in-law. Felipe is 46 years old and He is the first king who, upon assuming office as head of state, swears on the Constitution in force since 1978..

2020. Carlos Ruiz Zafón dies

Cancer ends the life of the Spanish writer Carlos Ruiz Zafón. He was 55 years old and had become the most read Spanish author after Cervantes. ANDthe enormous success of The wind’s shadowwhich appeared in 2001, catapulted him to fame. That novel began the cycle of The Cemetery of Forgotten Bookswhich was continued in three other novels: The game of the angel, The Prisoner of Heaven and The labyrinth of spirits. She had previously published children’s books. The year of his death he appeared The steam citywhich collects his stories.

Furthermore, it is the International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict.

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