Provincial Council of Popular Power developed in Holguín

Photos: From the author

The Provincial Council of Popular Power, a conducive space for the analysis of topics of core interest, which contribute to the optimal functioning of the different socioeconomic structures of the fourteen municipalities of Holguín, was held this Tuesday.

Chaired by Manuel Francisco Hernández Aguilera, governor, and with the presence of Joel Queipo Ruiz, member of the Central Committee and first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba in the province, it began with the review of previous agreements and the status of compliance with them. .

In this sense, representatives of the municipalities of Cacocum and Banes shared their experiences, after the recent visits of the country’s highest leadership to their respective territories, and the actions deployed to eradicate the deficiencies detected, whose solution must correspond to the priorities drawn at the country level.

The importance of exchange with voters and systematic monitoring of the approaches that emerge from these spaces was also discussed in the council, highlighting the need to know the criteria and work to eliminate problems, gradually and with work. collective.

“The solutions will depend on the level of priority that the administrative departments give to the issues raised and the differentiated attention to each case,” urged Hernández Aguilera, while emphasizing the support that must be provided to the upcoming accountability process. accounts of the delegate to his constituents.

Rosell González Pérez, coordinator of programs and objectives of the provincial government, referred to the measures implemented to encourage energy savings, in the current scenario.

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As part of them, more than 10,000 productions and services have been paralyzed during peak hours, the work schedule of 9,000 workers has been adjusted, certain business activities are prohibited during peak demand hours, and fraud has been detected. electrical, with the consequent measures in response to failures.

Likewise, points of the day were the transportation program and the strategies that are carried out to guarantee its compliance as established, the attention and control of the activity of communal services, the evaluation of the strategy for the upcoming summer period, among other crucial aspects for the social and economic spheres of the province of Holguín.

Jorge Fernandez Perez

Author: Jorge Fernandez Perez


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