For October, alternative route to 57 to Eje 122: Gallardo – El Sol de San Luis

For October, alternative route to 57 to Eje 122: Gallardo – El Sol de San Luis
For October, alternative route to 57 to Eje 122: Gallardo – El Sol de San Luis

In order to guarantee the mobility to the Industrial Zone and attract more poles of investment to the entity, sIt will be in October when the alternative route to Highway 57 will be ready.

This was reported by the governor, Ricardo Gallardo Cardonawho considered that work on mobility must be accelerated to avoid greater saturation of vehicular traffic after the arrival of new investments.

Us We are accelerating the delivery of the alternate route to axis 122 by Octoberhe said, as well as the bridges, while explaining that they seek to support the connectivity of the companies that will surely arrive after the tour of the Middle East.

Regarding the companies that are interested in San Luis Potosí, he confirmed that they are from the automotive branchmainly from suppliers, “in addition to some from the pharmaceutical industry,” he revealed.

He clarified that, while searching for the improvement in connectivity of the metropolitan areawork is being done so that the arrival of new investments covers the four areas of San Luis Potosí.

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In City Valleyshe said, there is the project of a new industrial park of 430 hectaresWe want something logistical in Valles to provide employment for the people of Huasteca and so that they do not depend solely on tourism.

The state president assured that there is a great opportunity in the Logistics for that area of ​​the state, “especially towards the Port of Altamirawhich has a very short distance and that we could connect thanks to that new park.”

With all the mobility that we are going to have with the companies that are arriving, he insisted, we need improve routes to the Industrial Zone“that is why we are also going to accelerate the works of the Metrored systemwhich will circulate throughout the Potosí Circuit, there are 43 kilometers of the new routes that will start next month.”

Finally, Gallardo Cardona stressed that his government has broken all the investment records in the state in the last two years, “more than seven billion dollars invested in San Luis PotosiYes, they are not just anything because they translate into more than 25 thousand new jobs and the intention is to generate even more.”

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