Caldas and Antioquia, united by tourism, employment and innovation in their regions – NEWS

Caldas and Antioquia, united by tourism, employment and innovation in their regions – NEWS
Caldas and Antioquia, united by tourism, employment and innovation in their regions – NEWS

The previous week, a planning and socialization table was held for strategic projects of the Administrative and Planning Region (RAP) of Water and Mountains, where tourism development, employment and innovation were specified as a special focus for the departments of Caldas and Antioquia.

During the meeting, in which representatives from various government and sector entities participated, the Secretary of Development, Employment and Innovation of Caldas, Daissy Lorena Alzate Moreno, highlighted the importance of this space to continue strengthening competitiveness.

“From the Secretariat we are working on key issues of Science, Technology and Innovation through the Villamaría Futura Scientific and Technological Park, through the Artificial Intelligence centers and the PotencIA Centers,” he mentioned.

The day was also an opportunity to highlight the progress in governance of the Science, Technology and Innovation (CTeI) ecosystem of both departments. “We know that Antioquia has very important practices with which we can articulate. Likewise, we work on tourism through alliances to establish joint routes and that this destination offer is on our digital platformsin our case through Caldas it is Natural”, mentioned the Secretary.

Finally, Alzate Moreno concluded that the regional competitiveness of both departments will be positively impacted thanks to these collaborative initiatives. The synergy between Caldas and Antioquia will not only boost tourism development and job creation, but will also encourage innovation and technological progress in the region.


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