how to request them from ANSES during July 2024

The ANSES Non-Contributory Pensions (PNC) are benefits intended to assist financially to vulnerable groups due to lack of formal work and, therefore, the absence of pension coveragewith amounts that are updated in the same way as retirements and pensions traditional.

To request a ANSES Non-Contributory Pension (PNC)it is necessary start the process through the ANSES websiteexclusively, with the Personal Social Security Code. The pension agency warns that this is a personal procedure and that, furthermore, It has no cost for whoever starts it.

Who can request a Non-Contributory Pension (PNC) before ANSES

ANSES establishes some requirements to request a Non-Contributory Pension (PNC)which we review below:

*The applicant must be unable to do so due to their health condition and social vulnerabilityfor full inclusion.
* Not receiving a retirement, pension, retirement or non-contributory benefit.
* Not be employed under a dependency relationshipnor registered as self-employed or monotributista of the general regime (you can be monotributista social).
* Not having sufficient income or resources. In the case of being of legal age, the income of the applicant’s family group will not be considered. Only the income of mothers, fathers or guardians will be evaluated, in the case of minor applicants.
* Be a native Argentine, naturalized Argentine or foreigner with 10 years of residence in the country. In the case of minor applicants, the minimum continuous residence in the country of 3 years of the fathers, mothers or guardians must be proven.
* Not being detained in a prison. Anyone who is at the disposal of justice outside the penitentiary establishment may request the pension.

How do I manage a Non-Contributory Pension with ANSES?

To start or rehabilitate the process of the Non-Contributory Pension (PNC)you must follow the following steps on the official website of ANSES.

Step 1:
Enter My ANSES. Access with your Social Security Code.
If you don’t have a password, you can create it at the moment.

Step 2:
Verify and Upload your data. From the menu, select “Application for benefits”.
Don’t forget verify that your personal data and family relationships are updated.

Step 3
Apply for the Non-Contributory Pension. I chose the option “Non-Contributory Pension for…” and followed the steps.
In case it is a Non-Contributory Pension (PNC) for disabilityit is mandatory that you request the Official Medical Certificate (CMO). It can be in digital format and you can request it at a health center or public hospital, or in paper format at the ANSES service offices.

How to check the processing status of a Non-Contributory Pension (PNC) from ANSES

Yeah I know you started the process of a Non-Contributory Pension (PNC) before ANSESyou can consult the status of the procedure by sending a message to the TINA Chatbot by WhatsApp at the number (54–11) 3910-1010.

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