Mayra Mendoza and Jorge Ferraresi and a strong argument in front of Kicillof: “You’re a shit!”

In the middle of a relaxed meeting of mayors, motivated by the signing of agreements of leasing from Banco Provincia for $4,000 million, tension skyrocketed. The event rekindled an internal dispute between a sector of Kirchnerism that pushes the governor Axel Kicillof versus The Campora.

The meeting ended with a strong insult of the mayor of Quilmes, Mayra Mendozaagainst Jorge Ferraresias a consequence of his counterpart from Avellaneda leading a party event in Bernal (a town in the Quilmes district), without notice or invitation. “You’re a c***!”shouted him.

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Authoritarians don’t like this

The practice of professional and critical journalism is a fundamental pillar of democracy. That is why it bothers those who believe they are the owners of the truth.

The heated discussion took place in one of the rooms of the La Plata governoratewhere the Buenos Aires governor summoned ten communal chiefs to sign agreements with Province Leasing with the objective that municipalities can acquire goods.

The most uncomfortable place at the mayors’ long table was occupied by Gaston GranadosPeronist mayor of Ezeiza, who stood beside Mendoza and Ferraresi.

The mayor of La Cámpora, who had already expressed her discomfort towards the Buenos Aires governor through gestures, this time decided to speak and directed her anger directly against Ferraresi, given that her peer a day before led a plenary session in Quilmesorganized by the leader Gabriel Berrozpe and the Quilmeño councilor Ariel Burtoli.

The meeting took place at the headquarters of the group “Peronism for Sovereignty”, in it Iapi neighborhoodin Bernal Oeste, and was understood in Quilmes as a provocation. “It is an act against Mayra”they reproached the communal chief, arguing that they used phrases like “Everyone with Axel.”

The local media that covered the call presented quotes from Ferraresi about 2025 that indicate: “The same people will not have the pen as always.“.

“The governor cannot be oblivious to all that”, was the theory that began to resonate as soon as photos of the event in the Municipality of Quilmes began to circulate. At the same time, it emerged that in Merlo They had organized a similar event for the mayor Gustavo Menendez and another to massism in San Fernando.

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As indicated Clarionfrom those around Mendoza, they affirm that Kicillof, who is trying to achieve a national armed force, acted oblivious during the meeting this Tuesday, for which the mayor of Quilmes would have reproached him for can’t not react in this situation.

To raise the temperature even further, the Camporista communal leader understood that Ferraresi sought to leave before the end of the protocol meeting so as not to be involved in any type of crossing, so she went to look for him. “You’re a shit”he threw at him as soon as he had the opportunity.

“It is a political error to continue promoting internal conflict”Mendoza would have later told the provincial leader, even in front of Juan Cuattromo, president of Banco Provincia. However, the tension could continue this Friday, the day in which Ferraresi has organized another event, this time in Lanusanother district governed by La Cámpora.

Also participating in the meeting were mayors Carlos Casares, Daniel Stadnik; from Ezeiza, Gaston Granados; by Hipólito Yrigoyen, Luis Pugnaloni; from Saladillo, José Luis Salomón; from Necochea, Arturo Rojas; from Mar Chiquita, Walter Wischnivetzky; and the interim communal chief of General Pinto, Fernando Rodriguez.


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