They propose reducing the speed in schools, clubs and squares to 20 kilometers per hour

They propose reducing the speed in schools, clubs and squares to 20 kilometers per hour
They propose reducing the speed in schools, clubs and squares to 20 kilometers per hour

Radical councilor Elisa Caffaratti proposes that the maximum speeds in schools, clubs and squares be 20 kilometers per hour in the city of Córdoba.

Based on a survey of 108 points in the city, the councilor discovered that 52% of these spaces do not have pedestrian paths. Furthermore, 70% of the places that do have pedestrian paths are blurred or deteriorated.

In this way, Caffaratti maintains reducing speed in these places and ordering spatial demarcations (tentatively white and yellow lanes).

“We are very committed that it is a purposeful project and can generate a safe corridor,” he expressed on Radio Universidad.

Guillermo Pacharoni – Speed ​​Reduction – Radio Universidad by

Currently, municipal legislation establishes a maximum speed of 30 kilometers per hour in these spaces. At the national level, the maximum speed is 20 kilometers per hour, as proposed by the councilor.

The lawyer specializing in road accidents, Guillermo Pacharoni, stated that the measure is timely.

Elisa Caffaratti – Speed ​​Reduction – Radio Universidad by

“In the world, there is a tendency to slow down. This project seems very interesting to me,” he declared on Radio Universidad.

“10 extra kilometers make the difference between life and death,” he added.


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