Clan del Golfo distributes pamphlets in eastern Antioquia: it threatens other armed groups

Clan del Golfo distributes pamphlets in eastern Antioquia: it threatens other armed groups
Clan del Golfo distributes pamphlets in eastern Antioquia: it threatens other armed groups

Through a statement, the self-proclaimed Gaitanista Army (EGC)also called Gulf Clan announced to the inhabitants of the municipalities of Medium Cupcake and the Eastern Antioquia that members of the Gener Morales Front “they have the order to control, neutralize and confront militarily all armed groups” that are trying to enter the Eastern Antioquia with the purpose of affect the peace of the population.

For this reason, they point out that they are militarily confronting the bands of capital cities, as microtraffic collection offices that permeate young people with the sale of hallucinogenic substances.

Finally, the self-proclaimed EGC affirms in the letter sent to the population and warns that internal conflicts have arisen between the same criminal gangs that are led by aliases ‘Mountaineer’who changed his name to ‘Gustavo Peña and who from prison has been leading ‘The Tables’ who now called themselves ‘Those from 13’.

Pamphlet from the Clan del Golfo distributed to residents of the municipalities of Magdalena Medio and Eastern Antioquia/Photo: Supplied
Pamphlet from the Clan del Golfo distributed to residents of the municipalities of Magdalena Medio and Eastern Antioquia/Photo: Supplied

The criminal gang is also responsible for murders against the civilian population and polluting the streets with micro-trafficking. For this reason, the Golgo Clan asserts that they will fight these gangs in the municipalities of Sonsón, Nariño, Algeria, Carmen de Viboral, La Unión, El Retiro, La ceja, San Francisco, Marinilla, Sanctuary and Black river.

Finally, the criminal gang warns the population to do not relate with people who are part of these gangs in the aforementioned municipalities.

Pamphlet from the Clan del Golfo distributed to residents of the municipalities of Magdalena Medio and Eastern Antioquia/Photo: Supplied
Pamphlet from the Clan del Golfo distributed to residents of the municipalities of Magdalena Medio and Eastern Antioquia/Photo: Supplied


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