Anapists from Matanzas hold their provincial plenary session

Anapists from Matanzas hold their provincial plenary session
Anapists from Matanzas hold their provincial plenary session

Although in recent months there has been an improvement in the delivery of crops, the stockpiles of milk and meat by the industry do not behave in the same way. A profound debate on the causes arose in the VIII Plenary Session of the Provincial Committee of the National Association of Small Farmers (ANAP) in Matanzas, which became a prelude to the XIII Congress of the peasant organization.

The topics discussed with real attachment to the daily life of producers and cooperative members focused on the need to strengthen the boards of directors, confronting criminal acts such as the theft and slaughter of livestock, and the link between managers and the base.

The ANAP, in its role of bringing together the peasantry, must propose greater links and support to those in the field, as well as propose solutions to the dissimilar problems that affect agricultural activity today.

The siege suffered by cattle and horse lieutenants is a particularly complex issue. More than 4 thousand heads have been affected so far this year and it is a situation that, far from improving, is getting worse.

In addition, the plenary session debated the authorized use of weapons in peasant brigades, an issue in which there has been no progress as in other territories. The producers work during the day and guard at night, which is why they demand real support from the police and the Ministry of the Interior to confront crime.

Municipalities such as Colón, Calimete and Unión de Reyes accumulate the largest number of complaints that, to a large extent, go unanswered.
The Anapistas from Matanzas demonstrate daily their commitment to the production of food for the people. For this reason, its 13th Congress implicitly has the motto: “Strengthened, united and productive.” (LLOLL)

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