Expectation for the arrival of tourists on the XXL weekend that begins this Thursday – Notes – Viva la Radio

Expectation for the arrival of tourists on the XXL weekend that begins this Thursday – Notes – Viva la Radio
Expectation for the arrival of tourists on the XXL weekend that begins this Thursday – Notes – Viva la Radio

A planned improvement in regional tourism for the next weekend that begins this Thursday and ends on Sunday, compared to the other long “weekend” that ended last Monday.

Gabriela Ferrucci, president of the Association of Tourism Hotels of the Argentine Republic, explained it in Chain 3: “People chose the weekend of Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday more.”

Some destinations are experiencing considerable boom. “La Quebrada Humahuaca was another highly chosen destination that is closing around 70%-75% and already has 90% projected for next weekend,” he said. Other places, such as Iguazú, also show greater demand for this second weekend.

However, demand varies depending on the destination. “There are destinations like the city of Buenos Aires that was between 40% this weekend and the projection in principle for the next one is similar between 40% and 50%. On the other hand, there are destinations with much lower demand such as the coast “explained the president of the Association of Tourism Hotels.

Ferrucci also highlighted that border tourism fell greatly “mainly due to the impact on the loss of purchasing power.”

High expectations for the long weekend in Córdoba

The tourist weekend in Córdoba began with a large influx of visitors and a high level of reservations. Villa Carlos Paz, one of the most popular destinations, reports an occupancy of more than 70% from the early hours of the day.

Sebastián Boldrini, Secretary of Tourism of Carlos Paz, expressed in dialogue with Chain 3 his optimism: “There are very good prospects. The truth is that the entire private sector is expectant. We are already above 70% and we will surely reach 80%, which will mark a good weekend.”

Córdoba capital also expects good movement

Although many visitors head towards the mountains, the capital city also shows important movement. Gabino Escribano, vice president of the Córdoba Gastronomic Chamber, projects a good weekend for the city, although he believes that it will be better in the mountains.

Notary, in dialogue with Chain 3commented on the approximate costs to eat in the city: “There is a very wide range depending on the valley but I believe that from ten thousand pesos per person you can enter from tourism.”

Calamuchita and Traslasierra Valley, grocery stores

The Calamuchita Valley and Traslasierra also experience the long weekend with high occupancy. In Calamuchita, a hotel occupancy rate of over 80% was reported. The constant flow towards the south is noticeable from the early hours of the day.

In Traslasierra, meanwhile, tourism attendance was noted early on and hotel occupancy is between 30-40% with many inquiries still in process.

The north of Córdoba surprises with high tourist activity

Sierras Chicas reports a great tourist movement towards the north of Córdoba. Route 9 North shows a large flow of visitors and hotel reservations are almost full for this long weekend.

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Report by Mauricio Conti, Abelardo Fonseca, Gonzalo Carrasquera, Edgardo Margara, Roberto Fontanari and Erik Italia.

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