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At the level of the friends that we are › World › Granma

Valdés Mesa explained to the Vice Secretary General of the ANC that, for Cuba, international solidarity is a task of capital importance. Photo: Revolution Studies

Qretoria, South Africa.–Relations between Cuba and South Africa “have reached a high level, a level of excellence, based on trust, which allows us to address different issues as the excellent friends that we are,” exalted the member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of Cuba and Vice President of the Republic, Salvador Valdés Mesa, to comrade Nomvula Mokonyane, Deputy Secretary General of the African National Congress (ANC).

In the context of his stay in South Africa, where he attended the inauguration of President Cyril Ramaphosa, the Cuban Vice President expressed our country’s gratitude for South Africa’s solidarity and support before the UN for the elimination of the economic, commercial and financial imposed by the US on the Island.

Valdés Mesa also explained to the Deputy Secretary General of the ANC that, for Cuba, international solidarity is a task of capital importance to demand that we be excluded from the spurious list of countries sponsoring terrorism that, unilaterally and arbitrarily, is issued by the Government of the northern country.

This list, he explained, not only creates problems for us, but also for the nations with which we maintain relations, inhibits foreign investment, financing, credits…, and leads to the White House’s interest in suffocating us and prevent the entry of vital resources into the national territory.

Valdés Mesa also held a meeting with the Cuban state mission in the South African country, where he informed his compatriots about national news and the implementation of the different priorities for this year.

Photo: Revolution Studies
Photo: Revolution Studies


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