A new process will begin for the approval of vehicles assembled by parts and pieces • Workers

A new process will begin for the approval of vehicles assembled by parts and pieces • Workers
A new process will begin for the approval of vehicles assembled by parts and pieces • Workers

By Susana Antón Rodríguez

Starting next Monday, June 24, a new process of homologation of vehicles assembled by parts and pieces (VAP) begins as a form of facilitation to those natural persons who, for certain reasons, did not do so at the time, making it necessary update the procedure to follow.

Photo: Juvenal Balan

The above was established with the publication in the Official Gazette, this Thursday, of Resolution 95 of 2024 of the Minister of Transportation (Mitrans) that establishes the “Procedure for approval of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers, assembled by parts and pieces.” .

The regulations, Mario Pérez Ventura, head of the homologation project, explained in a press conference, in turn constitutes a new opening – exceptionally – for this process in the offices of the National Department of Vehicle Registration and Driving License of the Ministry of Inside.

He recalled that in 2021, Resolution 200 of the organization itself was issued that began this process and that it concluded with about 121,000 vehicles presented and about 109,000 approved.

Pérez Ventura emphasized that, based on these own experiences, corrections were made in the organization of the process that includes, at first, an automatic and digital census through the platform www.vap.transnet.cu that will be valid for up to 60 days. starting Monday.

As a novelty in this process, he pointed out that the natural person who at the time of the census is not in the country or has some impediment that makes his physical presence impossible at any stage of the process, may appoint a legal representative for the purposes.

Likewise, he emphasized that the presentation in the Census of a motor vehicle with its trailer or semi-trailer is allowed, if possessed.

On the other hand, Osvaldo Reyes Alfonso, general director of the Mitrans automotive transport department, clarified that in this call vehicles that are declared unsuitable due to solvable technical aspects may be presented; as well as those that were not accepted in the first homologation process, in both cases, as long as they resolved the technical aspects indicated.

He added that, in alliance with the Young Computer and Electronics Club, points were created at municipal headquarters to provide advice when registering vehicles on the portal.

In this sense, it is necessary to clarify that the page will close for new registrations 60 days from Monday, leaving it only available in case of file queries by users.


Leosbel Castro Portuondo, director of the Comprehensive Computer Business Unit of the Transportation Information Services Company (Sitrans) commented that the website will be linked to the citizen’s unique file, which will allow the applicant to be linked to their province and municipality of home.

He stressed that the portal interface will contain the application form for the medium to be legalized, which must be filled out reflecting the data requested; At the same time, he highlighted the need to correctly inform the telephone numbers – and, if possible, an email address –, with the aim of guaranteeing timely notification for the technical review.

He specified that the photo inserted into the system must correspond to the vehicle in question, otherwise this homologation process would be invalidated.

Steps to register a request on the portal:

– Select the register request option

– Enter the identification card number, the volume and the folio and click the Accept button

– Enter at least one phone number, select the class, type of fuel, predominant color and photo of the vehicle to be legalized, accept the terms and conditions of the legal framework and click the Accept button

– The system shows a preview of the data to be saved by the applicant and the request is confirmed

– The system shows the code of the generated file and press the accept button

Steps to check the status of the applicant’s files

– Select the option Consult files

– Enter the identification card number, the volume and the folio and click the Accept button

– If correct, the system shows the applicant’s information, as well as the data and status of their files.


The fact that the portal itself regulates registrations by municipalities and provinces, said the head of the homologation project, will facilitate the processes that will be organized by municipalities according to the address of each registered person.

This process must be attended with the vehicle in good technical condition, complete and functioning, on the date, time and place where it was summoned, carrying the documents that guarantee the legal origin of the material goods used in its construction.

The Commission – he said – is obliged to guarantee secure communication channels for calling the registered people, leaving a record of said action, which will be done through the telephone numbers that each interested party provided on the portal.

According to specialists, the person who does not attend this first Technical Review will be summoned by the Commission for a second and final time, within the period determined by the Commission and if they do not attend, they lose the right to continue in the process.

Likewise, vehicles that are declared suitable and approved by the Commissions created for this purpose will receive a certificate that authorizes them to be registered in the Vehicle Registration Offices, while those that are not suitable and are authorized for a new technical review, will attend the period determined by the Commission. If they are declared ineligible again, they will not be able to continue in the approval process.

Pérez Ventura commented that the technical review plants of each province have been offering a diagnostic service to those interested in the process, which can help prepare the environment for the final review.

He highlighted that mopeds, motorcycles, tricycles and light trailers that pass the technical inspection and are declared suitable by the National Commission, may circulate with the Certificate issued by the Automotive Technical Inspection Company.

The rest of the vehicles (cars, rural cars, panels, quadricycles, trucks, vans, tractor trailers, minibuses and buses) will not be able to circulate without license plates, even if they have passed the technical inspection.

Although there is no estimated number of how many people can take the census, specialists confirmed that it would be more than 20 thousand, only taking into account those who were not eligible in the first approval in 2021.


– Census of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers assembled by parts: a term of up to 60 calendar days from the entry into force of the Resolution

– Automotive Technical Review of VAPs: begins 15 calendar days after the Census is completed and will extend for a period to be defined

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