César Acuña asks Francis Allison to run for mayor of Lima

César Acuña asks Francis Allison to run for mayor of Lima
César Acuña asks Francis Allison to run for mayor of Lima

Francis Allison feels qualified to assume the municipal seat. (Photo: Composition / Andina)

The current mayor of the capital district of Magdalena, Francis Allison, declared that the leader of the Alianza Para el Progreso party, César Acuña, had asked him to run for mayor of Metropolitan Lima. During an interview, Allison stated that she accepted the proposal and highlighted her activism in the aforementioned political group. However, she mentioned that her candidacy must be confirmed through an internal election.

As a central point, Allison stressed that he felt fully qualified to assume the position of metropolitan mayor. “I have the experience, the desire and the commitment,” He stated in communication with RPP. In addition, he was critical of the current mayors in the country’s capital who complain about the lack of economic resources. “That is unacceptable,” he said, since it is known in advance that the resources of the municipalities are insufficient.

He too former housing minister He stated that his previous experience in various public positions supports him to occupy the metropolitan mayor’s office. He reiterated that he feels prepared and expressed his desire to contribute to the development of Lima from the position of highest municipal authority.

Mayor of the Municipality of Magdalena. | Andean

Allison took the opportunity to comment on a recent legislative initiative promoted in the Congress. The proposal contemplates the incorporation of the crime of urban terrorism to the Penal Code. “It is a very strange norm that is going to be inapplicable,” said Allison, adding that the initiative could favor those involved in serious crimes such as extortion, kidnapping, hitmen and robbery in its aggravated forms.

He highlighted that these crimes are currently punishable with life imprisonment, and warned that the bill proposes a maximum sentence of 30 years, which would mean a significant reduction in the sentence for those responsible for these crimes. “They are lowering the sentences for hitmen, kidnappers, extortionists and thieves in the most aggravated modalities,” criticized Allison.

Along these same lines, Francis Allison expressed his concern regarding an aspect of the ruling that he considers harmful. He criticized the fact that being a foreigner had been included as an aggravating factor in the crime, which he classified as a form of discrimination. “Either they have not read the Constitution, or, having read it, they put something like that just to look good to the tribune,” he pointed out.

President Dina Boluarte and the Minister of the Interior, Juan José Santiváñez, supervised the work of the PNP agents during the ‘Safe Dawn’ operation in Callao. (Photo: Peruvian Presidency)

On the other hand, regarding the operations of the plan “Safe Dawn”implemented by the Ministry of Interiorthrough the National Police of Peru (PNP), Mayor Allison indicated that their application must take into account the particularities of criminal actions in each area in which they are applied.

To do this, he added, issues linked to the time in which the highest incidence of crime is recorded must be considered. He said that there are places where during the early hours of the morning there is no activity of any kind.

It should be noted that more than 17,000 PNP troops participate in the mega-operation Safe Dawn, which is taking place simultaneously throughout the country, including prison facilities. The operation is led by the President of the Republic, Dina Boluarte, and has the presence of several ministers of State.

“The largest operation in the history of Latin America is being carried out at the national level. Our PNP troops are operating in all the cities of the country under the provisions that have been given within the framework of Safe Dawn,” said Interior Minister Juan José Santiváñez.

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