Seat of Yopal Councilor Mauricio Efraín Rozo Celis is saved in the first instance » PRENSA LIBRE CASANARE

The Administrative Court of Casanare denied the claims of the lawsuit filed by Wilson Andrés Chaparro Cueto that sought the annulment of the election of councilor Mauricio Efraín Rozo Celis for double militancy.

According to the document of the lawsuit, Mauricio Efraín Rozo Celis ran as a candidate for the Municipal Council of Yopal, for the Alternative Indigenous and Social Movement (MAIS), which through a Committee prohibited any type of agreement, alliance or adhesion with candidates of the parties. Cambio Radical and Centro Democrático and that despite this, on August 25, Rozo Celis attended meetings with Marco Tulio Ruiz, Cambio Radical candidate for Mayor of Yopal.

Apparently the plaintiff was unable to demonstrate with the evidence provided to the process that Rozo Celis had carried out positive and concrete acts in favor of the candidate for Mayor of Yopal, Marco Tulio Ruiz.

The document states that “the evidence provided only has the capacity to demonstrate eventual situations, which could have occurred in ways different from how they were presented, without the evidentiary exercise having had other mechanisms that would provide certainty to the former and denote, reliably, that the defendant here offered his political capacity in favor of the candidate of another movement.”


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