National Federation of Departments delivers aid to Nariño: 780 Kits for victims of rain

The Administrative Directorate of Disaster Risk Management received significant national support to respond as a priority to the emergencies presented by the winter wave that hits the department. The intense rains have affected several towns, leaving 9,000 victims so far.

The National Federation of Departments delivered 780 hygiene kits, food and kitchen kits to the DAGRD, which will be delivered in the next few hours to affected families in 34 municipalities. For this reason, the articulation between the municipal directorates with the administrative directorate is essential to carry out censuses and deliver aid efficiently.

Through efforts carried out by the Governor of Nariño, Luis Alfonso Escobar, it is expected that the National Disaster Risk Management Unit will provide more aid to victims throughout the department.

For his part, the director of the Risk Management Unit, Gabriel Ocaña, called on local administrations to activate risk management plans for rains that will last until the month of August; With these actions, municipalities can take precautionary measures, carry out preventive relocation of homes, and identify material damage so that the DAGRD can provide complementary support.

Source and photo: Government of Nariño


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