Did you know that today is the longest day of the year? We tell you why

Did you know that today is the longest day of the year? We tell you why
Did you know that today is the longest day of the year? We tell you why

This Thursday, June 20th, the whole world experiences one of the astronomical events most representative of all the North Hemispherethe summer solstice, the longest day of the year.

What is the summer solstice?

This phenomenon occurs when the sun reaches the climax of its declination in the northern and southern hemisphereswith respect to the Earth’s equator. The word ‘solstice’ comes from the Latin ‘solstitium’ which translates into Spanish “the sun stops”, which makes a lot of sense because the Earth rotates around the sun, tilting at about 23.5 degrees on its axis, thus reaching its maximum declination and projecting its light over certain geographic areas. of the Earth, this is what is known as Summer Solstice.

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According to him Metropolitan area in accordance with project data SIATA“in our Aburrá Valley we experience a day of exactly 12 hours 30 minutes, 30 minutes more than the normal average of a day in our territory, while, if we went further north in Colombia, to Punta Gallinas in La Guajira, “It will be approximately 12 hours 52 minutes, showing that the further north the location of a city is, the longer its solstice will be.”

“Today, despite the rain, the sun was visible from approximately 5:49 in the morning and it is estimated that it will set at 6:19 in the afternoon, and that between June 20 and 21, the sun will point on its vertical directly to the Tropic of Cancer, offering us this unique phenomenon each year,” mentioned the Metropolitan Area about the information provided by project researchers. SIATA.

These extra minutes imply greater productivity in crops due to the increase in sunlight in theseHowever, this does not mean that because with this phenomenon the northern hemisphere receives more sunlight than usual, this day becomes the hottest, Greater light does not imply greater heat.

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Did you know that today is the longest day of the year? We tell you why


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