strategy to guarantee rights and security in the region

strategy to guarantee rights and security in the region
strategy to guarantee rights and security in the region

This Friday, June 21, President Gustavo Petro, together with the Minister of Defense Iván Velásquez and the Military Cupola, from Popayán launch “Misión Cauca”, a comprehensive strategy designed to protect the rights of the inhabitants of this region, affected by recent confrontations between public forces and groups outside the law.

”We will adapt 16 educational centers in Algeria and Tambo, with the support of International Cooperation and the Comprehensive Action Brigade of Cauca, with an investment of 150 million pesos. We will also build the Market Square and the Plateado Hospital that I was referring to, a work that is already in the contracting process. And we will develop important roads, such as the one from Algeria to Plataado-Mango, in collaboration with the Ministry of Transportation and Military Engineers.” assured the Minister of Defense, Iván Velásquez.

The main objective is to consolidate peace and ensure the protection of the civilian population, which has been the target of numerous attacks after the suspension of the ceasefire with the Central General Staff of the FARC dissidents on March 17.

He The heart of this new strategy of the Ministry of Defense, the Military Forces and the Police is to recover territorial control of the department of Cauca.

To achieve this, they will focus on countering illicit economies run by illegal armed groups, particularly FARC dissidents. These illicit activities include drug trafficking, illegal mineral extraction and extortion.

“With the Central General Staff we do not have any conversation table in Cauca, nor in Nariño, nor in Valle del Cauca. The Central General Staff in these three departments is the military combat and illicit economies. This Cauca mission aims to advance territorial control and consolidate progress through the transformation of the territory’s economies, the improvement of the conditions of the populations,” stated the Minister of Defense.

“Mission Cauca” seeks not only to restore order and security, but also to promote the economic transformation of the territory, improving the living conditions of its inhabitants. This comprehensive approach aims to provide a sustainable and lasting solution to the problems of violence and crime that have plagued the region.

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