Chubut obtained the vice presidency of the Federal Water Council

Chubut obtained the vice presidency of the Federal Water Council
Chubut obtained the vice presidency of the Federal Water Council

The Government of Chubut recently obtained the vice presidency of the Federal Water Council (COHIFe) for the 2024/25 period and the presidency of the Patagonian block.

The election took place within the framework of the 43rd Ordinary Assembly, of that body made up of all the provinces of the country, the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and the national government held in Buenos Aires, an occasion in which the Secretary of Infrastructure, Energy and Planning of Chubut, Nicolás Cittadini, was elected vice president of the organization’s leadership.

Regarding the last day of the assembly, held at the House of the Province of Salta, Cittadini highlighted that “authorities from the National Bioeconomy Secretariat and the National Water Institute (INA) were present to talk about the topic of the circular economy. , bioeconomy and reuse water, mainly.”

It should be noted that throughout two days of activity, the topics worked on during the year in the different Commissions were presented, such as Water and Environment, which has been coordinated for three years by Chubut; Underground Waters; Water and Production; Water Emergency; Drinking Water and Sanitation; Map of Interjurisdictional Basins and Water Quality, among others.

What is COHIFe

The Federal Water Council (COHIFe), made up of the provincial states, the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and the National State, is a legal entity of public law created as a federal instance for the treatment of global, strategic, interjurisdictional and International Water Resources

Among other functions, its purpose is to promote the harmonious and comprehensive development of the country in terms of Water Resources by participating in the formulation and strategic monitoring of the National Water Policy, for the purposes of integrated management respecting the original domain over said resources held by the Argentine provinces.

The Executive Committee of this organization is made up of a General Secretariat exercised by the National State and a representative of each of the regions that make up COHIFe. The Presidency emerges from these six members.

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