“Río Negro will be the outlet of Argentine energy to the world” – ADN

“Río Negro will be the outlet of Argentine energy to the world” – ADN
“Río Negro will be the outlet of Argentine energy to the world” – ADN

(ADN).- Vice Governor Pedro Pesatti affirmed that Río Negro “has to be the great gateway for Argentine energy to the rest of the world,” after participating days ago in the meeting of the provincial cabinet with YPF authorities in Sierra Grande, where progress was confirmed in the work of the oil pipeline that will connect production in Vaca Muerta with export from the provincial maritime coast.

“We are leading a very strong integration process with our Neuquén brothers and a strategic alliance with YPF, that company that is pride for all Argentines,” said the vice governor, before highlighting that “Sierra Grande will be the most important place for the exit.” of the production of the largest hydrocarbon deposit that Argentina has in Vaca Muerta and one of the three largest unconventional resources on the planet.”

Pesatti commented that “the work is already being carried out to link Vaca Muerta with Punta Colorada” and revealed that “we also aspire to have from Sierra Grande the outlet of the gas produced in Vaca Muerta through a liquefied natural gas plant, a key objective for our development.

It should be remembered that Bahía Blanca is the other party interested in achieving the investment of the YPF-PETRONAS agreement. This agreement with PETRONAS, the Malaysian state company, includes an investment of 40 billion dollars and the installation of a port for the export of liquefied gas. For Río Negro, the project has very marked strategic aspects since it not only implies the generation of the largest hydrocarbon export port in Argentina but also the possibility of developing a hub for the development of the petrochemical industry.

Finally, the vice governor highlighted that “Río Negro is a province that has a project, that will not remain stagnant despite the difficulties because we have political decision, leadership and conviction in our own strengths, but above all because we know how to transform ideas into realizations and because we organize the action of our government around the projects that the province asks of us to be better. That is why, as a son of this province, I hope that we can achieve the highest degree of unity among all the people of Rio Negro so that we do not lose this opportunity,” he concluded.


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