Hotel occupancy reaches 50% in the city and growth among passing visitors stands out

Hotel occupancy reaches 50% in the city and growth among passing visitors stands out
Hotel occupancy reaches 50% in the city and growth among passing visitors stands out

XXL weekend: hotel occupancy reaches 50% in the city and growth among passing visitors stands out

The numbers recorded in the run-up to this long weekend show that the hotel occupancy in the city of Santa Fe reaches 50%. Although these numbers may seem low, from the Undersecretary of Tourism maintain a optimistic posture based on trust in the proposals offered by the city.

On Friday morning, the promotion director of the Santa Fe Undersecretariat of Tourism, Adrian Ayala, expressed his position regarding the situation of the sector for these free days and was positive.

In dialogue with Sol Play 91.5, Ayala stated that “the expectations position us, within the provincial cities, as chosen”. Likewise, he maintained: “We have areas of loyal tourists: the interior, metropolitan area, central west of the province, the south, Rosario, people from the interior of Entre Ríos, the people of Córdoba and the north of Buenos Aires.”

“These tourist regions visit us to take advantage of the benefits we have, those benefits that identify us, in gastronomy and postcards“said the official.

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Furthermore, he assured that “Santa Fe is well positioned when we talk about a family tourism and as an alternative both for local tourism and for those that are more distant”.

Director highlighted the free proposals of our city that are accessible to families and that “they mix the historical” with “the natural”.

Numbers in hospitality

“The level of hotel reservations in the previous one is 45% or 50% reservationespecially in what is three and four star hotels“Ayala reported.

However, he continued with a positive attitude and said: “The phenomenon that is happening to cities like Santa Fe is that we have the transformation of that family group that comes as hikerthat is, he does not spend the night, in touristthat makes last minute decisions and chooses to stay“.

Regarding this, he assured: “We have reserves of a number and when we make the final cut we have higher numbers“We experience this phenomenon in the summer, during a long weekend, we experience it during Easter and we believe that we are going to experience it these days.”

“He Last weekend “It was a weekend with many proposals for shows for all tastes, with everyone packed and that also leaves us with a good balance because it means that Santa Fe capital continues to be on the radar of large productions,” reported the Tourism representative.

In this sense, he stated: “Santa Fe has to be the venue for great events, great proposals and tourism should be a state policy“.

Regarding the end of the note, highlighted his expectations and maintained: “I think it is going to be a weekend in which people are going to spread out more in public spaces and in the free proposals that the city always has.”

Some proposals for this weekend

As reported by Tourism, during the long weekend, the city ​​will be the scene of various free activitiesamong them the promotion director highlighted:

• Kermes and cultural activities at the Progreso Market.

• Opening of all museums, both local and provincial.

• Special regime for the Jesuit block in the Historic Center with guided tours.

With respect to gastronomic sector Emphasis was placed on the Barrio Candioti area, around the Belgrano Station and the waterfront area, with emblematic places such as “El Quincho de Chiquito”.

• READ MORE: Impact in Santa Fe: due to the drop in dairy consumption, this year milk production fell 14.5%

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