Alleged criminal was hit by a vehicle when he crossed paths on the Riohacha – Maicao road

Alleged criminal was hit by a vehicle when he crossed paths on the Riohacha – Maicao road
Alleged criminal was hit by a vehicle when he crossed paths on the Riohacha – Maicao road

An alleged criminal who apparently came out in front of a vehicle along with other subjects with the intention of committing a robbery, was hit by a driver who was traveling along the Riohacha – Maicao road.

This was stated by transporters who were circulating in the area and observed the body lying on the road between kilometers 58 and 59.

“We transporters are already tired of the promises of the authorities and we see no actions, look how far citizens must go so that this situation of insecurity ends on the road. Only yesterday there was a robbery that was recorded on videos, now this attempt ended with the subject being run over, it is unfortunate that this happens,” said a driver.

At the scene of the events, uniformed personnel from the La Guajira Transit and Transportation Section (Setra) were present, who are waiting for the competent authorities to proceed with the inspection of the body and the transfer to the morgue in Maicao or Riohacha. .

As you may remember, on Thursday morning on the Troncal del Caribe near the Cuatro Vías sector, a group of armed men assaulted a cargo truck that was going towards the border municipality.


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