confirm presence of new mosquito that transmits

confirm presence of new mosquito that transmits
confirm presence of new mosquito that transmits

The Public Health Laboratory of the department of Córdoba confirmed the presence in this territory of a new mosquito that transmits dengue.

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An analysis carried out in the last few hours indicates that Hunting It is the city that contributes 40% of the dengue cases caused by the new mosquito: Aedes albopictus.

According to the Epidemiological Surveillance System, at week 23, in the department of Cordova 2,113 have been reported dengue cases, of which two deaths have been confirmed by the National Institute of Health.

Elkin Monterrosa Vergara, entomologist from the Departmental Health Secretariat of the Government, assured that they permanently carry out surveillance of the new vectors that are introduced to the department and that can transmit other diseases, and “in this case we found in the municipality of Montería through the larvitraps placed in different neighborhoods in the month of May, the famous aedes albopictus. This mosquito had not been reported in the municipality of Montería, it had already been found in five municipalities in the south of Córdoba, however we had not yet identified it in the middle Sinú and lower Sinú,” he explained.

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The difference between Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus is that the latter can reproduce in clean and dirty waters.

The identification of the municipalities that initially reported the new mosquito was carried out by the University of Córdoba last year in Ayapel, Buenavista, Planeta Rica, Pueblo Nuevo and Puerto Libertador.

The secretary of departmental Health Development, Carlos Vasco Álvarez, reiterated the importance of self care and recalled that dengue can affect all people without distinction of age, sex, race or social class. “The call is to take care of ourselves, to inform ourselves about preventive measures and to act to confront this disease through prevention,” he stated.

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