Dialogue table with FARC: Corantioquia presented project

Dialogue table with FARC: Corantioquia presented project
Dialogue table with FARC: Corantioquia presented project

Corantioquia presented at the dialogue table between the Government and the Central General Staff of the FARC, in Yarumal, a pilot ecological restoration project with a social and economic focus that will benefit the municipalities of the North, Northeast and Bajo Cauca of Antioquia.

It is a territory where armed conflict and violence have “taken hundreds of human lives, but has also deeply affected the environmental heritage.”

According to the regional corporation, these are territories degraded by phenomena such as deforestation, illegal mining, illicit crop production, among other effects. One fact is that, according to Ideam, In 2022, 2,764 hectares will be deforested in the municipalities of the jurisdiction of Corantioquia.

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Community associativity in the productive chain will be the key in the restoration of soils and in the search for ecosystem balance. It will be done through environmental education and guidance for families to undertake different productive alternatives.

More than 200 families will benefit from the pilotinitially from the municipalities of Anorí, Briceño, Ituango, El Bagre, Segovia, Valdivia and Yarumal.

In addition to these municipalities, in the middle of the presentation of the pilot, other entities requested to be included. For example, Cristian Andrés Agudelo, the mayor of Campamento, asserted the importance of being part of the project.

The areas of influence of this project will include ecosystems from the Serranía de San Lucas to the Nudo del Paramillo, to thus seeking the protection of important species of wild flora and fauna, among which the jaguar and the cotton-top tamarin stand out.

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Corantioquia sent the pilot project to the dialogue table so that, in coordination with the United Nations, it can become a reality.

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