It has 8% of its capacity occupied

It has 8% of its capacity occupied
It has 8% of its capacity occupied

During this week, the General Directorate of Water (DGA) of the Ministry of Public Works, which monitors 25 reservoirs in 9 regions of the country, delivered a report regarding the stored water. Among them, the most notable was the Los Aromos reservoir, which reached 100% of its maximum capacity.

It should be noted that a good part of the reservoirs located between the regions of Valparaíso and the Biobío region They significantly increased their level of capacity thanks to the rainfall that has occurred throughout the national territory.

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However, in the case of the region of Coquimbo the situation is more criticalsince seven of the eight reservoirs are below the level they had at this time last year, with four of them at their lowest level in the last five years (La Laguna, Recoleta, La Paloma and Puclaro).

This is what the Puclaro reservoir looks like in Coquimbo after the rain

In the case of the Puclaro reservoir, located in the Coquimbo region, as of June 17 of this year, only 8% of its capacity has been reached maximum in cubic meters.

The Center for Studies Advancing in Arid Zones (CEAZA) published a satellite photograph of the current state of the Puclaro reservoir. Below is the record:


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