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“NG Match” strengthens the spiritual identity and commitment of new generations to the mission of the Church – News

On Thursday, June 20, the third edition of NG Match was launched, an initiative that involves children, adolescents and young people from Adventist churches in northern Peru in various categories such as preaching, unpublished singing and Bible study. Participants compete in internal competitions to represent their mission fields in the grand finale, which this year will be held in Trujillo, Peru.

NG Match represents the vision of the Adventist Church to revive, engage and disciple (RID) the New Generations. This initiative motivates young people to strengthen spiritual habits aligned with that vision. For example, through the “NG Match”, daily Bible study is promoted among participants, and through preaching we seek to encourage their active participation in the community.

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Pastor Daniel Montalvan, president of the Adventist Church of northern Peru, expressed his gratitude for the support of the leaders in the launch of this third edition of NG MATCH, where he shared a message highlighting: “This initiative is considered crucial to strengthen and prepare the generations. By investing in them, the Adventist Church secures its future in these end times. We express our gratitude to all the leaders who have participated from their territories, committing to this activity focused on the New generations”.

The pastor also highlighted the relevance of investing, caring, giving space, listening, understanding and supporting the new generations, as mentioned in the book of Judges, chapter 2, verse 10. This passage highlights the importance of preparing the new generations. generations so that they know and serve God, preventing them from straying from His path. He motivated pastors and local church leaders to seriously consider their role in preparing new generations.

NG Match is positioned as a program aimed at developing gifts and talents, strengthening their identity and committing them to the mission of the church. They are encouraged to invest in activities that prepare them as future leaders of the local church from an early age.

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