Where does the Automation Policy in Cuba lead? › Cuba › Granma

The Cuban industrial sector has proposed reestablishing its levels of automation to guarantee an efficient and highly productive business scheme, José Gaspar Álvarez Sandoval, vice minister of Industries, told Granma.

In the space of the iv International Convention and Exhibition Cubaindustria 2024, he added that it is about maintaining the machines that are already installed with the levels of automation that were created, which is closely linked to the maintenance policy of the sector.

He commented that Industry 4.0 is a necessity, from the perspective of technological convergence, in which many processes work in an integrated manner, so it is essential that current machines and those that may arrive in the country maintain the levels of automation with the that were designed.

Álvarez Sandoval specified that, in compliance with the country’s automation policy, approved in Decree 45 of 2021, of the Council of Ministers, they have evaluated the current situation of each technological line with the index of installed automation technologies (itai). the different industries of the country.

He said that, based on the above, they maintain that the new projects that are designed, whether investment or import of new machinery of great technological magnitude, take into account all the benefits and pillars of industry 4.0, in accordance with the particularities of its management.

The Vice Minister of Industries said that, in this space, it is essential to comply with cybersecurity regulatory frameworks, since a failure can paralyze factories and, therefore, stop productions that end up directly affecting the population.

For this reason, he stated, “we must establish control systems that detect risks, and that allow us to solve them in time.”

From the direction of the Automation Policy of the Ministry of Industries, Álvarez Sandoval highlighted, we must be observers for good practices during investment processes, not only in factories, but, for example, in the operation of hotel facilities, through control of all its applications, to achieve efficient technological systems.


  • Satisfaction of the demands of the national industry.
  • Import substitution and export of technologies and services.
  • The contribution to technological sovereignty, cybersecurity, sustainability and the economic growth of the country.
  • Attention to human capital associated with the activity.
  • The integration of research, development and innovation for the production and marketing of products and services.
  • Coherence in the development of the industry.
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