«The cost of the dining hall is high and there are few scholarships»

Saturday, June 22, 2024, 11:09


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The high amount of the school cafeteria or not having the municipal newspaper ‘De Buen Fuente’ on time, among the protests of the readers. There is also room for congratulations to Luis de la Fuente and the La Cava neighborhood for their festivities.

  1. “Risory” aid for the dining room

The first call from the Reader’s Telephone comes from Logroño. A resident of the capital describes the price of the school cafeteria as “scandalous.” “The cost is high and there are few scholarships,” she laments. The aid from the Department of Education is “derisory” and families “cannot afford the prices of the menus,” she says. In addition, she adds that “the scholarships are resolved in December and from the beginning of the course until that month, parents pay the full student fee, which is about 140 euros per month.”

  1. Congratulations to Luis de la Fuente

The style of play that the Spanish National Team has shown in the first two games of the Euro Cup has convinced Pedro. “I want to congratulate Luis de la Fuente because he has put an end to the philosophy of tiki-taka that I personally did not like.” In his opinion, the new way of playing is more “open”, “vertical” and “direct”. “If they continue with that style, they will go far,” explains this resident of Logroño.

  1. Main image - Absences in the Bernabean flags

    Absences in the Bernabean flags

During the San Barnabas flag-waving, a woman from Logroño missed two people. “At the city event there are always people from the corporation who give the flag to say goodbye to the festivities, but this year they appointed two councilors who did not appear,” she reproaches. This gesture seems like “contempt for the city, the volunteers and the Renaissance groups,” she concludes.

  1. Main image - 'De Buena Fuente' suffers delays

    ‘De Buena Fuente’ suffers delays

The municipal newspaper ‘De Buena Fuente’ “does not arrive in the mailbox on Friday as it usually did, we receive it on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday of the following week,” cries this neighbor. “They could pay more attention,” he concludes.

  1. Main image - “Wonderful” festivities in La Cava

    “Wonderful” parties in La Cava

“Formidable” activities in La Cava. A resident of this neighborhood shows his satisfaction with the parties held last weekend. “I congratulate the La Cava Neighborhood Association, they have gone above and beyond and made us have a wonderful weekend,” he says.

  1. Main image - Magnificent performance at the Bretón

    Magnificent performance at Breton

Another congratulation, this time related to culture. A resident of the capital of Rioja wants to “congratulate the City Council and the Bretón Theater for the magnificent show they put on stage on June 15,” he explains. He calls ‘Penelope’s dream’, “a very successful and wonderful show.” “It would be interesting if they did other chamber operas of this type,” he emphasizes.

  1. Main image - Officials without passing an exam

    Officials without passing an exam

The next call has to do with public sector employees. A woman from Logroño does not understand “why they don’t make home help staff civil servants now that people who have not passed an exam are going to be civil servants.”

  1. Main image - «Every day a different doctor»

    «Every day a different doctor»

«My family doctor has retired for a year and every day I meet a different doctor, I think at least seven different professionals have passed by in the last month. Today we don’t even have a doctor and they give me time for Wednesday of next week. This is how our last caller of the day begins his call, stating that he wants to be followed up to explain “why my tests are wrong.” Finally, he points out that he is tired of “telling things to a different doctor every day.”

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Plants that hinder circulation in Vélez de Guevara

Plants that hinder circulation in Vélez de Guevara

A resident of Logroño sends two photographs of Vélez de Guevara Street to report a situation that causes traffic problems. “There are several small trees whose branches grow and grow and make driving difficult,” he says. According to him, he has been able to verify “they have not been pruned for a long time” and that is why the problem of them invading the road occurs.

The rules of The Reader’s Telephone

  • To facilitate

    the greatest number of calls, be brief, clear and concise in your presentation. The newspaper will respect the anonymity of readers who contact this section, but it will be necessary for them to state their name and contact telephone number, in case it is necessary to verify the origin of any of the calls. In no case will messages with disqualifications towards third parties be published. Political criticism of people and institutions has its specific space in the “Letters to the Director” section, in the Opinion pages of Diario LA RIOJA.

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