Competitiveness Commission bets on a more productive future of Magdalena

Competitiveness Commission bets on a more productive future of Magdalena
Competitiveness Commission bets on a more productive future of Magdalena

The Regional Commission for Competitiveness and Innovation, CRCI, of Magdalena, a key body in the coordination and articulation of departmental competitiveness and innovation initiatives, reaffirms itself as a strategic pillar for the socioeconomic development of the region.

Currently, the Chamber of Commerce of Santa Marta para el Magdalena exercises the Technical Secretariat of the CRCI, which convened 25 representatives of 13 public and private entities at the national, departmental and district levels, present in the first executive committee on June 19 in the city of Santa Marta.

This space had the participation of representatives from the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, the Private Competitiveness Council, the Government of Magdalena, the Mayor’s Office of Santa Marta and the Chamber of Commerce of Santa Marta for Magdalena, among others.

With the entry into force of National Decree 2212 of 2023, the CRCI of Magdalena begins a new stage under the rotating presidency that, in this first instance, will be exercised by the Governor of Magdalena and his secretaries of the Planning and Economic Development portfolio, who committed to leading and coordinating the bodies to strengthen competitiveness and innovation throughout the department, including its capital. The CRCI, structured under Decree 0336 of 2020, organizes its management and functions to promote a competitive and innovative environment, vital for the sustainable growth of the department.


The CRCI of Magdalena stands out for its focus on cooperation between the public, private, academic and popular sectors. This body seeks effective coordination for the formulation and updating of the Departmental Competitiveness and Innovation Agendas, ADCI, as well as for the structuring of projects and the management of resources necessary for their implementation.

The CRCI are crucial in the productive development policy of the regions, due to their capacity to:

Generate a favorable environment for the coordination of actors in the regional ecosystems of competitiveness and innovation, integrating actions with other national systems present in the territories, such as Science, Technology and Innovation (CTi), National Environmental System, National Qualifications System, and Innovation Agriculture.

Formulate, coordinate and support the implementation of the Departmental Agenda for Competitiveness and Innovation (ADCI).

Develop actions to boost regional competitiveness.

Commitment to regional needs and strategic approach

The CRCI of Magdalena focuses on understanding and addressing the specific needs of the region, acting with a strategic approach to articulate and generate spaces for co-creation. Under a common objective, the CRCI discusses, validates and agrees on processes that strengthen regional capabilities and enhance competitiveness and innovation, based on the inter-institutional articulation of its offers and the generation of trust translated into more and better scenarios for the competitiveness of Magdalena.

The ideas materialized in projects and strategies seek to generate a great impact on the competitiveness of the region and improve the quality of life of the inhabitants of Magdalena.


In a context where modernization, diversification and innovation are essential for development, the CRCI of Magdalena is positioned as a fundamental entity for the continuous improvement of the competitiveness conditions of the department. As Santa Marta approaches its 500th anniversary, the CRCI is committed to working tirelessly to ensure socioeconomic development that lives up to its rich history and future potential, with the challenge of fostering competitiveness that is reflected in well-being. and quality of life for citizens.

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