Communes in the north of Aysén participate in a cultural event

Communes in the north of Aysén participate in a cultural event
Communes in the north of Aysén participate in a cultural event

Various cultural agents gathered to participate in the Territorial Meeting with Northern Identity.

More than 20 cultural agents who carry out their work from the northern gate of the Aysén Region in La Junta to Coyhaique, met in Puerto Raúl Marín Balmaceda to give life to the Territorial Meeting with Northern Identity developed by the Department of Citizenship of the Seremi de Aysén Cultures, through the Culture Network and Strengthening Regional Cultural Identity programs.

The delegations, coming from the communes of Coyhaique, Aysén, Cisnes and the Las Guaitecas archipelago, crossed the Palena River to work alongside the tables of cultural agents who develop their artistic, cultural and heritage projects in the north of the territory.

Network strengthening

The Seremi Culturas Aysén, Felipe Quiroz, explained the motivations and work behind the encounters with identity.

“In this way, we are strengthening the networks that allow the cultural fabric to function. These meetings not only identify shortcomings and possible development spaces, but also leave capabilities installed in the territories so that the teams can work with increasingly more powerful and updated tools,” said the seremi.

The cultural manager of Puerto Cisnes, María Antonieta Inostroza, said that one of the most enriching things she received was the coherence that Red Cultura has with the cultural plans that are being proposed in the territory.

“These are based on the needs of the community, on recreational and artistic needs, and on the importance of highlighting the heritage of our town, based on this generation of networks and this knowledge, in order to enhance value through the human thing, of listening, of knowing where we are and where we want to go,” said Inostroza.

The representative of the Group of Spanish Folklore Cultivators in Puerto Aysén, Jimena Muñoz, said that cultural meetings are very important.

“Knowing how colleagues do their work and sharing experiences with them enriches a lot. The work that we ourselves are doing as agents in the localities. Understanding that in a place as extreme as Raúl Marín Balmaceda there is also an important cultural development,” said Muñoz.

For his part, the person in charge of Culture of the Municipality of Guaitecas, Samir Barrientos, stressed the importance of these cultural meetings. “The importance of these meetings is related to the ability to jointly plan from the different localities a series of initiatives that make way for generating more initiatives in favor of substantive cultural development for the region,” he said.

The representatives who have participated in the southern and northern meetings of Aysén will work in October in the commune of O’Higgins at the Regional Meeting with Identity.

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