Poggi agreed with the Nation to reactivate public works in San Luis – El Chorrillero

Poggi agreed with the Nation to reactivate public works in San Luis – El Chorrillero
Poggi agreed with the Nation to reactivate public works in San Luis – El Chorrillero

Updated: 06/25/2024 19:55
Tuesday, June 25, 2024 • 19:53

The governor, Claudio Poggi, signed in the framework of a meeting with the Chief of Staff, Guillermo Francos, a framework agreement with the national government to resume nationally financed works that remain paralyzed in the province with “minimal or no execution curve” since mid-2023.

According to what was reported by the provincial government, after the framework agreement signed today, progress will be made in a series of specific agreements for each work in which “it will be decided whether they will be executed with co-financing between both states, or they will be carried out through national financing.” or some with provincial funds.”

The meeting at the Casa Rosada. (ANSL Photo)

At the same time, they agreed to reformulate the projects, their progress curve and completion period, taking into account “the existing budgetary restrictions in both the Nation and the Province.”

The previous national government financed the most important infrastructure projects carried out in San Luis. Long before December 10, there were works that were no longer making progress.

In statements he made upon leaving the Casa Rosada, Poggi spoke of public works with federal financing: “This sector had been paralyzed since the second half of last year and based on this agreement we are going to make specific agreements for education, housing and /or infrastructure, in co-financing between the Nation and the Province.”

“The spirit and orientation of these agreements is for production and development,” said the governor, who was accompanied by the Minister of Finance and Public Infrastructure, Néstor Ordoñez. (With information from ANSL)


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