Some 80 thousand people from the coastal edge of Tarapacá, between Loa and Pisagua, will be evacuated in a simulation of a high-intensity earthquake with tsunami

Some 80 thousand people from the coastal edge of Tarapacá, between Loa and Pisagua, will be evacuated in a simulation of a high-intensity earthquake with tsunami
Some 80 thousand people from the coastal edge of Tarapacá, between Loa and Pisagua, will be evacuated in a simulation of a high-intensity earthquake with tsunami

Within the framework of Senapred’s “Chile Prepared” drill program, on Wednesday, August 7, a more intense tsunami drill will be carried out that will “affect” the communes of Iquique and Huara, from the town of Pisagua to Loa. 80 thousand people must simulate the evacuation, as a preventive exercise.

The information on this preventive exercise was delivered by the regional director of Senapred, Patricia Montenegro, accompanied by the presidential delegate(s) Camila Castillo, who called on the community to participate in this drill.

Patricia Montenegro, regional director of Senapred, specified that this activity “obeys the Chile Prepared program, which is a planning and coordination that is usually carried out every other year. This year it is up to us to specifically work on the risk variable associated with earthquakes and tsunamis and it is basically an invitation to strengthen the preventive culture in our region and invite the authorities, the technical teams, the communities to participate in this instance, “Know the evacuation routes, what are the meeting points that will keep our lives safe in the event that an event of these characteristics occurs in our communities and on the coastline.”

For the presidential delegate(s) of Tarapacá, Camila Castillo, the inhabitants of this region “know how important it is to be prepared in an emergency situation and that is why six drills have been carried out in the region, the first being in 2010. We were pioneers, as a region, in carrying them out, there is a good evaluation of that and it is always important to prepare citizens and also public services and those of us who have to assume roles and responsibilities in the event of an emergency. The invitation to citizens is to be able to inform themselves about the drill, to actively participate because they must be prepared to face an emergency.”


Date: Wednesday, August 7, 2024.

Scope: Coastal edge Tarapacá Region, communes of Iquique and Huara, from the town of Pisagua to Loa.

Scenery: Higher intensity earthquake (8.2 Mww) on the coasts of the Tarapacá Region with a geographical reference of 67 km west of Pisagua.

Those who participate?: Aimed at people who live, work, study and/or travel along the coastal edge of the communes of Iquique and Huara.

Approximate number of population to evacuate: 80,000 people.

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