They had left everything ready to rob and the San Juan Police arrived on time

They had left everything ready to rob and the San Juan Police arrived on time
They had left everything ready to rob and the San Juan Police arrived on time

After the first minutes of this June 25, personnel from the Western Radioelectric Command foiled a robbery that was being committed at the Diógenes Perramón school, in Rivadavia. The thieves had entered the establishment and had everything they were going to steal packed to take it out.

At 12:15 a.m. on June 25, police officers from the Western Command carried out prevention and security tours along 9 de Julio Street before Pellegrini Street in La Bebida and observed the open school gate, in the sector where the level previously operated. secondary of EPET No. 6.

The uniformed officers entered to verify that everything was in order, but they discovered that in one of the rooms there were several items that were ready to be stolen.

Among the items that had been set aside by the criminals to be stolen were a gamma brand miter saw, an Einhell brand sensitive machine, a cm-14 model sensitive saw, a bench jig saw in a box, a Cisco brand internet modem, a Atma brand electric stove, a natural gas screen and an extension cord.

Everything mentioned was packed ready to be stolen, according to police reports. The machines would have been taken from a classroom in the technical workshop that operates during the day in the Diógenes Perramón School area.

These items were found in the part of the establishment that has not been in operation for some time. To commit the robbery, the criminals had broken the bars of a window that communicates with that sector of the educational establishment.

Thanks to police intervention, the thieves were unable to achieve their objective. As for these subjects, they could not be recognized, since they fled the scene when the police personnel arrived. The items found were delivered to the local landlady, where they were kept safe and she was asked to be responsible for filing the corresponding complaint at police headquarters.


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