State Worker’s Day: these national public organizations will not attend this Thursday

State Worker’s Day: these national public organizations will not attend this Thursday
State Worker’s Day: these national public organizations will not attend this Thursday

This Thursday, the State Worker’s Day is celebrated in Argentina, which is commemorated every June 27, for the date on which the International Labor Organization (ILO) adopted the right to collective bargaining and labor relations in the public administration.

Thus, due to the celebration of State Worker’s Day, some State agencies will remain closed, and many procedures in organizations that depend on the Nation will not be able to be carried out during this day.

“June 27 is established as a day of rest for employees of the national public administration, in which no tasks will be provided, assimilating it to national holidays for all legal purposes,” reads article 2 of Law 26,876, sanctioned by the National Congress, in 2013.

The workers who are covered by this holiday are:

The offices of the National Social Security Administration (ANSES), throughout the country, will remain closed on the occasion of State Worker’s Day. This is what they announced from that National Administrationand at the same time, they clarified that no appointments were granted for that day and service will resume normally on Friday the 28th, at the usual times.

Likewise, other dependencies, such as Correo Argentino, Banco Nación, AFIP, Judicial Branch, Sectional Registries of Automotive Property, among others, they will not work this Thursday either.

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