President of the UN General Assembly will arrive in Cuba this Wednesday

President of the UN General Assembly will arrive in Cuba this Wednesday
President of the UN General Assembly will arrive in Cuba this Wednesday

Dennis Francis, Resident of the 78th United Nations General Assembly, Dennis Francis. Photo: John Penney.

From this Wednesday until June 29, the president of the 78th General Assembly of the United Nations, Dennis Francis, will make a working visit to Cuba, state media report.

In addition to holding a meeting with President Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, Francis will have meetings with Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez and the Vice Minister of Public Health, Tania Margarita Cruz, he points out. Latin Press.

In his agenda on the island, the official will review “the progress” and “the contribution” of Cuba to multilateralism and international cooperation, as well as “the ongoing regional and global challenges” and the “continued active commitment” of the country in the United Nations. United.

As he points out Latin PressFrancis will offer a keynote lecture in the Aula Magna of the University of Havana, titled Cuba and multilateralism: opportunities and challengesin which government officials, members of the diplomatic community, youth representatives, women leaders and academics will participate.

On March 19, Francis received Ambassador Gerardo Peñalver Portal, first vice minister of Foreign Affairs and permanent representative of Cuba to the United Nations, in New York, at the conclusion of his diplomatic mission there.

According to CubaminrexDuring the meeting, both spoke about topics “of relevance to the General Assembly of the multilateral organization.” The official expressed gratitude for Cuba’s leadership and “its permanent commitment to multilateralism.”

Meanwhile, for Peñalver Portal, Cuba will continue to actively participate in “key negotiations” and will follow up “on the agreements adopted during the last G-77 and China Summit in Havana.”


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