Congressmen who contributed to the cow for Antioquia will not lose their investiture

Congressmen who contributed to the cow for Antioquia will not lose their investiture
Congressmen who contributed to the cow for Antioquia will not lose their investiture

05:56 PM

The Special Chamber for Decision of Loss of Investiture 2 of the Council of State denied the request that existed against the 10 congressmen who would have participated with donations for the cow created by the Government of Antioquia to finish the 4G roads in the department.

The lawsuit stated that the congressmen, with their contributions, had violated the disqualification regime, since according to the plaintiff, the action of donating implied signing a contract with the Government, something that is not allowed for those who are part of the legislature.

“The defendants incurred the First cause of article 183 of the Constitution, violation of the regime of disabilities and incompatibilities in the understanding that they incurred the cause of violation of this regime established in article 180-2; Manage, in one’s own name or on behalf of another, matters before public entities or before people who administer taxes, be representatives before them, enter into any contract with them, by oneself or through an intermediary,” the lawsuit says.

Read also: The Attorney General’s Office asked the Council of State not to decree loss of investiture to congressmen who donated the cow for Antioquia

Also, the plaintiff had justified that said contributions were made for proselytizing purposes, however, in their ruling the magistrates explained that this “it is not a convincing argument to demonstrate the configuration of the cause, since the proselytizing interest is not contrary to the general interest or common good and even less to reasons of convenience, very typical of congressional work”.

The lawsuit was filed by lawyer Carlos Mario Patiño, who had previously acknowledged before EL COLOMBIANO that sHe had participated in the government of Daniel Quintero, but not under his orders, when his political ideology was put in the spotlight.

This decision of the Council of State was celebrated by Governor Andrés Julián Rendón, who said that this was a victory of solidarity and civility.

“Today our common cause triumphed: the desire to connect with the sea of ​​Antioquia and Colombia to bring progress, development and opportunities”the governor published on his X account.

You may be interested in: This is the lawsuit against congressmen who contributed to the “cow” for Antioquia and that was filed by a lawyer who worked with Daniel Quintero

In the hearing that took place last week, the Attorney General’s Office had interceded so that the senators and representatives involved did not lose their investiture, arguing that after the analysis of the evidence they had not committed any fault and the existence of any contract was not proven. plaintiff’s main allegation.

La Vaca por Antioquia was an initiative that began on March 22 after the government of President Gustavo Petro put obstacles in place to not deliver the remaining resources to complete important infrastructure projects such as some sections of the Toyo Tunnel.

Senators were on the list of sued congressmen Miguel Uribe Turbay, Paloma Susana Valencia Laserna, Esteban Quintero Cardona, Andrés Felipe Guerra Hoyos, Paola Andrea Holguín Moreno and María Fernanda Cabal Molina. The representatives Juan Fernando Espinal Ramírez, Hernán Darío Cadavid Márquez, John Jairo Berrio López and Julián Peinado Ramírez They were also mentioned in this process.

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