He disappeared in May and two people were accused of murdering him in Cinco Saltos over a drug debt

More than two months have passed and they still haven’t found Maximiliano Gallardo, a 30-year-old man who disappeared on May 17 in Cinco Saltos. Finally today two people were charged with murdering him over a drug debt.

The Cinco Saltos prosecutor’s office filed charges against a man and a woman accused of homicide aggravated by the use of a firearm.

According to the prosecutor’s office, the investigation began with a request to find out the whereabouts of the victim, who He was last seen on May 17. After the application of the current protocol, the search continued to be fruitless and based on the contributions of different witnesses suspicion of an alleged homicide began.

This hypothesis began to be strengthened from the statements of two people to whom the accused man and woman would have confessed to be the perpetrators of the incident and to whom they told him that it all started due to a dispute over a debt that Gallardo had with them, who supplied him with narcotics.

According to the Public Ministry’s accusation, the event occurred between May 17 and June 22, when the accused They killed the victim with a gunshot of 22 caliber revolver type fire. In principle, it is believed that the crime would have taken place in the detainees’ home.

After killing him, they would have hidden the victim’s body to achieve impunity, which is why The remains have not yet been found. The legal classification of the case is homicide aggravated by the use of a firearm.

Disappearance of Maximiliano Gallardo Cinco Saltos: preventive detention was issued

The Public Prosecutor’s Office of Cinco Saltos He also requested the preventive detention of the two accused of crime. They pointed out that if the sentence was imposed, it would be enforced effectively and that in the case of regaining freedom, the accused could try to hinder the normal progress of the process.

They first pointed out that the main witnesses in the case were victims of surveillance mounted by the accused and of an alleged illegal intrusion into their home, that the defendants did not collaborate with the police authorities in their identification and recalled that despite the efforts made in the investigation, the body could not be found.

The private defense assisting the accused focused their arguments on an alleged absence of evidence against their clients, especially arguing that Gallardo’s body was not found and maintaining that he was “disappeared.” They also highlighted that Preventive imprisonment should not be applied and they asked for milder measures.

The intervening guarantee judge considered the charges formulated and ordered the preventive detention of the accused, as requested by the prosecution, for the preparatory investigation period.

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